Global perspectives candidate response example. Candidate responses have been selected from the June 2023 Reflective Paper (10 marks) Now that you have read the assessment criteria, you may want to practise marking the presentations. Endorsed resources. perspectives and communicate personal reflections. Throughout the answer the candidate is focused on the demands of the question and there is evaluation. Example Candidate Responses Component 1 Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives and Research 9239 For examination from 2017 Version 2 In order to help us develop the highest quality resources, we are undertaking a continuous programme of review; not only to measure the success of our resources but also to highlight areas for improvement and to identify new development needs. So first let’s establish the Oct 13, 2019 · Additionally, you can also check out O Level Global Perspectives 2069 Syllabus & Example Candidate Response. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 13 Learner Guide Example candidate response 14 Cambridge IGCSE Specimen papers. Comments on specific questions . 9239 AICE Global Component 3 Example Candidate Responses - Free download as PDF File (. The answer must considerable both arguments (balanced), and you supposed support your point of view with their terms (explicitly cite the source). The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspective and Research (9239), and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and assessment objectives. Useful documents for Global Perspectives IGCSE (0457) Example Candidate Responses – Paper 3 5 Cambridge O Level Global Perspective 2069 How to use this booklet This booklet goes through the paper one question at a time, showing you the high-, middle- and low-level response for each question. 2023. In some cases candidates may make responses which the mark scheme has not predicted. Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives and Research 9239 9 Example candidate response – Level 5, continued More than that though, to solve a problem as enormous and global as hunger, the solution cannot be imposed upon the people by the government; it has to start with the citizens and really actively involve them. As a result, the commentaries consider a variety of responses of different quality. Reference to the length of the study and being based only on women was clearly made. Learners broaden their outlook through the critical analysis of – and reflection on – issues of global significance. Thank you for your patience in this matter. The candidate gives a credible reason (brings greater wealth for people), but this is not developed. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES & RESEARCH 9239/13 Paper 1 Written Exam October/November 2020 MARK SCHEME Maximum Mark: 30 Published This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. Learners can Example Candidate Response for the Reflective Essay New Reflective Essay Instructions Reflective Essay PPT Three videos of perspectives and their scripts Example #1 video Example #1 script Example #2 video Example #2 script Example #3 video Example #3 script Cambridge Submission Paper 3 Checklist understanding of different perspectives on global issues and an ability to use reasoning and evidence to support an opinion or claim. • The presentation is well-structured and well-argued with some lines of reasoning and some well-supported judgements. Learners broaden their outlook through the critical analysis of - and reflection on - issues of global significance. Question Paper 11; Insert Paper 11; Question Paper 12; Insert Paper 12; Question Paper 13; Insert Paper 13; Mark Schemes. Example Candidate Response - high. The main aim of this resource is to exemplify standards of Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research, Component 3 Team Project, and show how different levels of candidates' performance relate to the subject's curriculum and assessment objectives. They ask a question about a relevant issue. In the right-hand margin (away from the other 4 level marks) please insert the overall level, in this case L3, then add the mark (9) to the mark grid on the right-hand side. GENERIC MARKING PRINCIPLE 1: Marks must be awarded in line with: the specific content of the mark scheme or the generic level descriptions for the question. It does not indicate the Component 2 Cambridge AS & A Level Global Perspectives 9239 15 Example candidate response – middle, continued Examiner comments The candidate understands the evidence and utilises one perspective to form the conclusion. They will help you understand the standard required to achieve marks, beyond the guidance of the mark scheme. This booklet goes through the paper one question at a time, showing you the high-, middle- and low-level response for each question. Watch each candidate's presentation, making a note of the strengths and weaknesses and give a mark, before you read the moderator comments and marks below. Example Candidate Responses. The definition of perspective used in this syllabus is: a perspective is a coherent world view which is The key messages from this series of examination papers are that candidates: • Demonstrated very good skills of interpretation and analysis • Need to explain in detail how research designs relate to the claim to be tested • Need to explain in detail the potential impact and consequences of different actions in response to a global issue. Cambridge International AS Global Perspectives and Research 9239 15 Example candidate response – middle Examiner comment – middle The candidate gave a concise answer that concentrated on the evidence. Candidates will be eligible for grades A* to G. 1(c) Example Candidate Example Response Candidate Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2 7 Cambridge O Level Global Perspective 2069 Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments There is evidence here of global perspectives for and against animal testing with evidence to support the perspectives. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES AND RESEARCH 9239/13 Paper 1 Written Examination May/June 2022 MARK SCHEME Maximum Mark: 30 Published This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the examination. • The candidate’s conclusion is based on the evidence and reasoning presented and proposes an effective solution to the good understanding of different perspectives on global issues and an ability to use reasoning and evidence to support an opinion or claim. Teachers at registered Cambridge schools can unlock over 30 000 teaching and learning resources to help plan and deliver Cambridge programmes and qualifications, including Schemes of work, Example candidate responses, Past papers, Specimen paper answers, as well as digital and multimedia resources. All candidates take: and: Component 1 1 hour 15 minutes Written Examination 35% 70 marks Candidates answer four compulsory questions based on a range of sources. View the latest resources that are being developed by our Endorsement Partners for the Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives syllabus (0457). Candidate responses have been selected from four Cambridge centres from the November 2021 series to exemplify a range of candidate responses across the presentation and reflective paper. In the left-hand column are the candidate answers, and in Candidates should ensure they read the paper carefully, looking at the key words, to answer the questions set. Question 1 (a) Most of the candidate responses correctly identified the trend in students moving to a different country for university as increasing, from Source 1, and, therefore, achieved one mark. GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES AND RESEARCH Paper 9239/12 Written Exam Key Messages Candidates should ensure they read the paper carefully, looking at the key words, to answer all the questions set. Candidates should ensure they read the paper carefully, looking at the key words, in order to answer the questions set. Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives 0457 consider – you must discuss at least one of the other options, explaining why one or more of them might be chosen or considered the best by someone else, to show that you have thought about and understood different views on the issue. 7 Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspective 0457 Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2 Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments 15 This is a clear paragraph but might have been Programmes & Qualifications. This is a skills-based subject and schools can make their own selection of global topics to study. The next section asks learners to state their research question. Question 1 (a) Lage majority of the candidate responses correctly identified the percentage of the population in China using bicycles as 37 per cent from Source 1, and, therefore, achieved the one mark. They research different perspectives (global and national/local) on their issue and 0457 Example Candidate Responses Paper 3 (for Examination From 2018) - Free download as PDF File (. Cambridge Local Level 3. Total mark awarded: 9 out of 10 . 9239_Example_Candidate_Responses_Component_3_(for_examination_from_2017) - Free download as PDF File (. IGCSE Global Perspectives paper 3 (Team Project) response. • Candidates should formulate a question that focusses on an issue. research questions and claims to be tested, and describe and present different perspectives on global issues. Showcase of student projects. Checking the sitemap. The candidate answers are set in a table. The distinction is clearly drawn in they syllabus: in the Individual Report global, national/local and personal perspectives are required, whereas in the Team Project different cultural perspectives are required. Candidates will not gain credit for using material from their own knowledge that is not mentioned in the documents. is therefore Level 2, as the argument the candidate is making is not clear and effective as a whole. Candidates who achieve grades A* to C are well prepared to follow a wide range of courses including Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research. Jul 21, 2017 · Cambridge International AS Global Perspectives and Research 9239 7 Example candidate response – Level 5, continued Presentation transcript Hi, I’ll be talking to you about providing sustainable food sources for those in need, specifically through the solution of urban agriculture. txt) or read online for free. General comments For this component, candidates choose a topic from the list provided in the syllabus. You are required to focus on the arguments and perspectives given in the documents and provide a reasoned judgement, demonstrating both AO1 and AO3 skills. In places, the candidate pursues a. 413316-example-candidate-responses. The candidates need to focus on an evaluation of the provenance, perspectives, evidence and argument to reach an overall judgement as to whether one of the documents was more convincing than the other. However, candidates should be encouragedto apply key concepts in critical thinking to the evaluation of argument within sources. The candidate uses the 0457_Example_Candidate_Responses_Paper_1_(for_examination_from_2018) - Free download as PDF File (. You could try: Going back to the homepage. The candidate could have explained why there was a drop. Global Perspectives - 0457 November - 2022 Question Papers. Candidates are also able to analyse evidence in a variety of different forms. each member`s perspective compared with their own, and therefore developed and challenged the candidate`s position. Some did not respond to the idea of how Each question paper and mark scheme will also comply with these marking principles. Examiner Report; Grade Threshold; Global Perspectives - 0457 / 13 Paper 1 - Written Examination cannot cover all responses that candidates may make for all of the questions. These are clearly set out in the mark scheme. Example Candidate Responses – Paper 1 Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspective 0457 4 The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives 0457, and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and assessment objectives. Using the search at the top right of the page. Although no data was quoted to support these Example Candidate Responses – Paper 1 7 Cambridge O Level Global Perspectives 2069 Example Candidate Response – middle Examiner comments The candidate clearly identiies free trade as the most signiicant cause of globalisation. These answers should nevertheless be credited according to their quality. Component 1. This applied in all questions, for example in Question 2 where there were 3 key words: convincing, view and sad. See how our students explore global issues, critically analyse them and present their findings in an engaging and informative way in this Global Perspectives showcase. You've typed in a wrong address. 4 Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives (Short Course) 1340 Component 1 Example candidate response Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives (Short Course) 1340 5 Component 1 Examiner comment This answer recognises that the document puts forward a main view that GM No creditable response 0 marks No creditable response 0 marks AO2 Reflection AO2a Consideration of contrasting perspectives AO2b Reflection and impact on personal viewpoint AO2c Further research Demonstrates balance in considering contrasting perspectives 3 marks Undertakes clear reflection on how the work carried out has affected the candidate’s Cambridge International AS Global Perspectives and Research 9239 15 Example candidate response – middle Examiner comment – middle The candidate gave a concise answer that concentrated on the evidence. 0457 Example Candidate Responses - Free download as PDF File (. Candidate responses have been selected from four Cambridge centres Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives (Short Course) 1340. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Other examples: e. In this booklet candidate . understanding of different perspectives on global issues and an ability to use reasoning and evidence to support an opinion or claim. Meeting government ministers, organising a local river clean-up project and writing to the United Nations about climate change, are just some of the activities learners are pursuing through the Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives course. This is continued in the discussion of further research, meriting a Level 5 for this criterion. Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2 Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspective 0457 4 The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives 0457, and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and assessment objectives. 0. 4 The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives 0457, and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s • The candidate’s perspective is differentiated from alternative team or research perspectives. However there is little evaluation in the summary. Examiner comment. So first let’s establish the problem. 2 In order to help us develop the highest quality resources, we are undertaking a continuous programme of review; not only to measure the success of our resources but also to highlight areas for improvement and to identify new development needs. How (9777) You should consider the follow: The strength of their reflection and description of the content. Jul 21, 2017 · Introduction. Component 3 – Team project Cambridge International AS Global Perspectives and Research 9239 9 Example candidate response – Level 5, continued More than that though, to solve a problem as enormous and global as hunger, the solution cannot be imposed upon the people by the government; it has to start with the citizens and really actively Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2 Cambridge O Level Global Perspective 2069 4 The main aim of this booklet is to exemplify standards for those teaching Cambridge O Level Global Perspectives 2069, and to show how different levels of candidates’ performance (high and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and assessment objectives. Several candidates simply evaluated the argument put forward by the author without addressing the subtleties of the question. It is, however, only just in L3 so would be at the bottom of the level and be awarded 9 marks out of 12. This Pre-assessment Checklist for the Individual Report collects and explains requirements from the Syllabus, Coursework Handbook, Mark Scheme, and Examiner Reports. Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives and Research is a skills-based course that prepares learners for positive engagement with our rapidly changing world. g. the specific skills defined in the mark scheme or in the generic level descriptions for the question. Learners are encouraged to work both independently and collaboratively, with respect for and understanding of different cultures and perspectives. research questions and claims to be tested, and describe and consider different perspectives on global issues. Pre-U Certificate in. Introduction. You can also check the latest O Level Grade thresholds table to confirm the grade boundaries through this link . This applied in all questions, for example in Question 1: ‘different improvements (by Child Sep 8, 2021 · The 4 marks available for the Team Element depend entirely on the Outcome and Explanation representing different cultural perspectives. Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives students complete individual and group projects, writing extended essays explaining Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives and Research 9239 9 Question 3 (25 marks) requires a longer, essay response based on the two source documents. Global Perspectives and Independence. Paper 3 – Team project Cambridge International AS Global Perspectives and Research 9239 51 Example candidate response – Level 5, continued Presentation transcript Hi, I’ll be talking to you about providing sustainable food sources for those in need, specifically through the solution of urban agriculture. Visit the School Support Hub from June 2025 onwards for details. • The candidate’s response must focus on different perspectives on their chosen issue. Example Candidate Responses – Paper 2 7 Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspective 0457 Example Candidate Response – high, continued Examiner comments There is evidence here of global perspectives for and against animal testing with evidence to support the perspectives. Providing more guidance than the mark scheme, it will help students to evaluate example IRs, and to guide them during construction of their own IR. Cambridge Assessment International Education Official Website In focus: Example candidate responses These booklets use examples of candidates’ work to show how different levels of performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and assessment objectives. They should keep this short and focused — the size of the box reflects this. 1 Example Candidate Responses Paper Cambridge O Level Global Perspectives 069 For examination from 08 Version. pdf), Text File (. • Teachers and candidates must be aware of and fully understand the requirements of the IR as indicated by the assessment criteria. In the left-hand column are the candidate answers, and in the right-hand column are the examiner comments. All candidates take three compulsory components. Each candidate needs to provide their centre number, centre name, candidate number, their name and the exam series (the month, either June or November) and the year for which they are entering. If you continue to get this error, please contact us. Mark Scheme 11; Mark Scheme 12; Mark Scheme 13; Mark Scheme 2; Others. This applied in all questions, for example in Question 2 where some candidates evaluated the argument, rather than the evidence, as required in the question. Although no data was quoted to support these The communication of arguments, perspectives etc. However, some candidates need to explain the strengths and weaknesses of arguments in more detail in their evaluation of sources. The main aim of this resource is to exemplify standards of the Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research, Component 3 Team Project, and show how different levels of candidates' performance relate to the subject's curriculum and assessment objectives. This might be because: The page has moved or been deleted. It does not indicate the O Level Global Perspectives gives learners a solid foundation for further study. • Analysis of perspectives is a key focus of the Global Perspectives Individual Report (IR). All candidates seen in the recordings of the live presentations were contacted and permissions provided to use the videos from their Team Project submission. Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives prepares learners for positive engagement with our rapidly changing world. They will develop unique, transferable skills In focus: Example candidate responses These booklets use examples of candidates’ work to show how different levels of performance (high, middle and low) relate to the subject’s curriculum and assessment objectives. of both the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence and reasoning. The 1(c) Question candidate answers are set in a table. This candidate response fits with a low Level 5. 0457 Example Candidate Responses Paper 3 (for Examination From 2018) (1) - Copy - Free download as PDF File (. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. Cambridge O Levels are accepted and valued by leading universities and employers around the world as Example Candidate Responses will be available following the first examination in 2025. Sources will present a global issue from a range of perspectives, personal, local and/or 9239_Example_Candidate_Responses_Component_4_(for_examination_from_2017) - Free download as PDF File (. Home - GCE Guide GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES AND RESEARCH Paper 9239/11 Written Examination Key messages Candidates should ensure they read the paper carefully, looking at the key words, in order to answer the questions set. This applied in all questions, for example in Question 1: ‘…positive contribution as mentioned IR Pre-assessment Checklist. kh ag ky tq zt xk bm rd ug oc