Qualification framework levels uk This proved a boon for businesses seeking to employ staff from beyond the border and vice versa. You can select 2 countries from the flag icon below to see what types of qualifications are included in national frameworks referenced to the EQF. Meanwhile, there are twelve On 1 October 2015, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) was officially launched. uk 8 Technical/Vocational Qualifications This is the framework of both academic and vocational qualifications. The current frameworks are: * The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) for general and vocational qualifications regulated by Ofqual in England and the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and The Polish Qualifications Framework (PQF) is a reference system for qualifications awarded in Poland. Level 2 – Certificate II. It allows qualifications gained in any European country to be classified and organised into an eight-level system. So doing some research this is what was found. Pakistan Qualification Framework has eight levels. The table above shows a comparison between qualification levels on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and Credit and The Higher Education Qualifications Framework covers levels four to nine. uk 8 Vocational, Technical and Professional The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a European initiative to support mobility within the EU. Level 2. Generally, they identify a hierarchy of The following qualification frameworks are used across the UK: • Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) (England and Northern Ireland) • Framework for Higher Education Learn about the UK qualification framework, including degree types, entry requirements, and costs at each degree level. The United States does not have a National Qualifications Framework (NQF) currently. AVVLJQLQJ HYH DOLILFDWLRQ 2. These nine levels represent learning from essential skills and entry-level qualifications to advanced Doctoral research. In the PQF, [] Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework www. Through this process, national authorities responsible for qualifications systems, in cooperation with stakeholders responsible for developing and using qualifications, define the correspondence between framework for all Ofqual-regulated qualifications on 1 October 2015, supported by level descriptors, and new Conditions, requirements and guidance covering: descriptions of the level and size of regulated qualifications; the approach to be taken when using credit, or when allowing the recognition of prior learning; and The Qualifications Framework indicates the comparability of different qualifications and how one can progress from one level to another, within and across occupations or industrial sectors (and even across vocational and academic fields if the NQF is designed to include both vocational and academic qualifications in a single framework). This level shows advanced understanding and skills. referred to as ‘mutually recognised’ when the MFHEA recognises that foreign qualification is pegged to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). 74 Table 13 Credit Profiles for Higher Education Qualifications. rd(eg PhD, DPhil, EdD) 8 . (FHEQ levels) National Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. uk 8 Vocational, Technical and Professional The SCQF Level Descriptors provide reference points for determining the level of a qualification, learning programme, unit of learning, or for the Recognition of Prior Learning. This framework aligns seamlessly with the UK Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and adheres to the European Qualifications Framework. This document provides a comparison chart of qualification levels across the UK qualification purposes is to help learners move more easily from one qualification to another. gov. 1 SLQF Levels, qualifications and volumes of learning 5 2. The flexibility and global recognition of our qualifications are made possible by the National Qualification Framework and the RQF’s ability to transcend boundaries. Level 5: This level is the same as level 4. This paper provides a contextual account of the implementation and development of the South African NQF as one of the first generation NQFs located within a broader lifelong learning context as it explores the lessons that have been learnt from this evolving and transformational process Table 1 shows how the various qualification frameworks and levels relate to each other in Europe, the UK and its constituent nations, and in the Republic of Ireland. Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) An executive arm of EDB to assist in the development and implementation of HKQF . Level descriptors are not provided. The levels are not necessarily directly related to the years of study. 75 Table 14 NFQ Qualification Types (including PATD) and QF-EHEA Cycle Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework www. RQF Levels are applicable in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, while the SCQF is used in Scotland. The Level qualification is the equivalent of the other training system. 6: Bachelor’s Degree (with or without honours) eferencin of the rih FQ to the EQF n QF-EHEA - tionl eort 2020 3 Table 12 NFQ Qualification Types and QF-EHEA Cycle Descriptor Correspondence 2020. The RQF operates across entry levels 1 to 3 and levels 1 to 8, aligning with both the UK Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and the European Qualifications Framework. Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) : Scotland uses the SCQF, which includes 12 levels, offering a similar progression system to the RQF but with a unique structure reflecting Scotland’s educational system. Each level in the qualifications frameworks describes the knowledge, understanding and practical capability achieved by an individual who has completed a qualification, syllabi or competence module at Level 4 Qualification: Financial advisers are required to attain a minimum of a Level 4 qualification from the Qualifications Framework (QCF/RQF). Level ; Doctoral Degrees . The framework has a structure of ten levels with each level based on specified Level 4: Higher education level. The levels of National Qualifications Frameworks can be linked to the European Qualifications Framework, a process called ‘referencing’. If your qualification was achieved in a country not aligned to the EQF or outwith Europe, you should contact UK ENIC – the national agency The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a common reference framework, the purpose of which is to help people understand qualifications across different countries and systems within and Level 6. For example, one person may study a course at National 4 and another at Higher. Job roles at SCQF Level 9 may involve providing advice or support in a specialised technical or professional field to organisations or large departments and making recommendations on managing complex The National Qualifications Framework is a n instrument for the classification of qualifications according to a set of criteria for specified levels of learning achieved. 2 Page 7 of 32 Chapter 1: Features 1. The five strands comprise one each describing knowledge and skill and (notably the Australian one [Australian Qualifications Framework Council 2013] and the UK higher education framework [Quality Assurance Agency 2008]) the descriptions of the levels are essentially the descriptions of the major qualification-type framework for all Ofqual-regulated qualifications on 1 October 2015, supported by level descriptors, and new Conditions, requirements and guidance covering: descriptions of the level and size of regulated qualifications; the approach to be taken when using credit, or when allowing the recognition of prior learning; and RQF levels of qualifications in the UK stand mean the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and all qualifications regulated by Ofqual (in England) are on this framework. The Framework has 12 levels, and these levels can help you understand and compare your qualifications. “Sub-framework” means one of three coordinated qualifications sub-frameworks which make up the NQF as a single integrated system UK. This resource can be referenced to compare qualification levels across the UK and Ireland RQF (Regulated Qualifications Framework – UK) Level 3: Equivalent to A-levels or BTEC Nationals. UK ENIC equates the ACCA Qualification to a UK ‘Taught Master’s’ degree. GCSE grades 3 - 1, 3/Foundations S Grade, Foundation GNVQ . Find out an extensive Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework www. uk www. Level 5 – Diploma. It is used to compare and understand our country’s wide range of qualifications. uk. The NQF online tool is a rich source of information on the qualifications frameworks and systems of the 41 countries participating in the European qualifications framework (EQF) process. Qualifications are listed alphabetically in the main body of the guide. In England, Northern Ireland and Wales, the levels are contained within the Regulated Once UK ENIC reaches a recognition decision about the comparable UK level of an international qualification, we then identify the closest UK counterpart qualification(s). Level UK is a member of The London Academy of Sciences, is a legal entity registered in London with the code UKRLP (UK Register of Learning Providers) 10087255, and has been approved to participate in the Skill Funding Agency system of the UK Government UK Qualification Levels: What about Scotland? Scotland’s education system, while similar to the rest of the UK, has some distinct differences, particularly in its qualification framework: National Qualifications: Include Nationals 1-5, Highers, and Advanced Highers, roughly equivalent to GCSEs and A Levels in England. Level UK là thành viên của Viện Hàn Lâm Khoa học London (The London Academy of 10. 11. You can compare qualifications in Scotland with those in England, Wales and Northern Ireland Qualifications Framework, the Pacific Qualifications Framework, the Southern African Development Community of national qualifications levels to the EQF levels. Welcome. Resources. 2 We set out our requirements for the purposes of Condition E9. 6 . Entry level qualifications are: The national qualification frameworks in the United Kingdom are qualifications The QCF system is based on units which have credit value and levels (from Entry Level to Level 8). Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) [1] Level Knowledge Skills Responsibility and autonomy Example In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. [1] This allows for the ability to develop, assess and improve quality education in a number of contexts. Level 1 of the NQF IC3 (certiport) Level 2 of the NQF A+ MOS (specialist)/MCAS MCDST Level 3 of the NQF CCNA (Cisco) Network+ (Comptia) Security+ (Comptia) Linux+ (Comptia) Server+ (Comptia) MOS (expert) Level 4 of the NQF The framework in England is the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), which replaced the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) in 2015 A UK-based awarding organisation offering qualifications globally. scqf. 3 When assigning a level to each of its qualifications in accordance with Understanding the comparison between the UK’s RQF and SA’s NQF (National Qualification Framework) is essential for South Africans looking to work or further their studies in the UK. Most qualifications have a difficulty level. There are 12 levels in the framework, and the credits are called points. The other six levels (levels 7-12) are postgraduate qualifications. Below is a comparative table outlining the equivalence between the two systems: This table provides an at-a-glance view of the qualification levels in both Qualifications outside England, Wales and Northern Ireland use different level systems. 2. Each level corresponds to a particular qualification's degree of difficulty. The most common qualification earned at Level 6 is a Bachelors degree. It does not mean ‘exercise authority over staff and resources’ etc, as that could clearly apply at earlier levels. Each entry level qualification is available at three sub-levels - 1, 2 and 3. Our qualifications can be mapped to: • The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) in England, • The European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and • The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ) in the UK. The comparison is intended to make it easier for education providers and employers to understand the qualification and how it compares to similar qualifications in their country. PQF Levels. Adopted in 2008, the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) sought to unify qualifications across all EU member states, providing a useful way to cross-reference qualifications with other countries. Level 5 education and training ranges from 100% academic such as DipHEs’ to entirely vocational NVQs. Skills: In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and creative thinking) and practical (involving manual dexterity and the use of methods, materials, tools and instruments). The table shows a comparison between qualification levels on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQFW) in England and Wales, and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). No, these levels are not recognised across the entire UK. From Level 3 Qualifications: If you have completed A-levels or Level 3 diplomas The framework in England is the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), which replaced the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) in 2015 A UK-based awarding organisation offering qualifications globally. RQF Level (UK) Qualification Level (UK) NQF Level (SA) Qualification Level (SA) 8: Doctoral degree: 10: Doctoral degree: 7: National Qualifications Framework (NQF) or Qualifications Credit Framework (QCF) levels 2 and 3 or equivalent. You’ll start at the Operational level and move on to Management before culminating at the Strategic level. This framework helps improve transparency, comparability and portability of people’s qualifications and makes it possible to compare qualifications from different Comparing qualification levels. Performance and Financial. Difference between RQF and NQF EduQual qualifications are based on the EduQual Qualifications Framework which consists of Diplomas, Awards and Certificates following levels set by regulatory authorities. Each of them is described by means of the general characteristics of the scope and complexity of knowledge, skills and social competence required from persons with a given level of qualifications. (UK) RQF entry level 3. Maldives National Qualification Framework (MNQF) V2. It features qualifications offered by schools, colleges, universities, workplaces, training organisations, and in the community. The development of a USQF will the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF), which was set up in 2008 and revised in 2017 and comprises 8 levels, with the levels 5 to 8 encompassing higher education. Twitter icon LinkedIn icon Facebook UK Framework Levels Academic Level UK Qualification is one of the UK national qualification system according to the Regulated Qualification Framework (ROF), accredited and recognized by Ofqual. 2 Definition of a credit 7 3. Since 2015, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) replaced both the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and is in use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Typical Qualifications. Prepares students for higher education or Rathbone UK One Life Programme; The level of a qualification on the Framework shows how difficult the learning is. A level descriptor provides a generic indication of learning A qualifications framework is a formalized structure in which learning level descriptors and qualifications are used in order to understand learning outcomes. ccea. It organises qualifications by levels, ranging from Entry Level (basic skills) to Level 8 (doctoral-level qualifications). The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) was in operation between 2008 and 2015. R05 After the QCF: A New Qualifications Framework – Decisions on Conditions and Guidance September 2015 – Ofqual/15/5777 2 the level of a qualification should be kept under review; and the level of a qualification should be revised only through a managed process. Level; Typical UK. Table 1 shows the correspondence of levels established between national qualifications frameworks and the EQF: Once UK ENIC reaches a recognition decision about the comparable UK level of an international qualification, we then identify the closest UK counterpart qualification(s). In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, learning is mapped to 9 qualification framework levels. Some levels may have sub-levels within themselves. Level 7: Master’s • A qualification framework (QF) is also called a transparency tool because it assists evaluators in understanding where a certain qualification is placed in the country’s educational system, such as the level of the qualification or access granted to further education or employment. 5 below. 5 – Vocational Qualification level 5, Foundation Degree, DipHE, HND 6 – Bachelor’s Degree (with or without honours) 7 Appears at Level 12 only where it is used in the phrase ‘demonstrate substantial authority’, reflecting a recognised high level and depth of expertise/expert knowledge and understanding, along with confidence. 0. Level 3 – Certificate III. The table below shows the different qualification types which are classified and are used UK qualifications comparison table. . The levels of qualifications in England have been standardised according to the: Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies (FHEQ) In the above frameworks, there are eight levels ranging from entry level courses at level 1 to doctorate qualifications at level 8. RQF vs NQF: At a Glance. uk 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Doctoral Degrees, Professional Apprenticeships, Professional Development Awards (PDA), Award LEVEL Regulated Qualifications Framework for England and Northern Ireland www. 3(c) in paragraphs 2. To earn the CGMA Professional Qualification, you’ll need to complete all three levels — the average student takes around four years — and have three RQF stands for Regulated Qualifications Framework and accredits qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. SVQ/NVQ level 2, Level 2 vocational awards, IVQ Technician certificate, IVQ Diploma, Level 2 International awards*. Education Bureau (EDB) Overall responsibility for policy direction, development and implementation of HKQF . National Qualifications Framework of Pakistan 2015 Table of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of ContentsTable of Contents Introduction National Qualifications Framework of Higher Education • Objectives of the National Qualifications Framework • Terminology Levels and Programme Titles Key Student Learning Outcomes of Level 5 QUALIFICATION LEVEL EUROPEAN QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK (EQF) LEVEL ACADEMIC BENCHMARK Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) 11 7 Master’s Degree Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) 9 7 Master’s Degree Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) 7 7 Master’s Degree EDUCATION REGULATOR/FRAMEWORK The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) accredits qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Assessment: No exams—assessment is through observation, portfolio building, and practical demonstration. Qualifications in the framework are described in terms of levels and credits. It is hoped that other mandated bodies in Uganda shall develop qualification frameworks for other levels and all these shall be integrated into a national qualifications framework. RQF is jointly regulated by the England’s regulator Ofqual, Wales DCELLS and Northern Ireland’s CCEA. QFs also help explain how the qualifications included Qualifications Framework England & Wales, United Kingdom Australian Scotland, United Kingdom Scotland, United Kingdom Malaysia India Hong Kong IQAI Level EQF RQF Level AQF Level SCQF Level SQV Level MQF Level NVEQF Level HKQF Level Industry Leader or Senior Expert Grade Post-doctoral research 10 8 8 10 12 --- 8 10 7 Expert Grade This page offers a comprehensive comparison between the UK’s Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and South Africa’s National Qualifications Framework (NQF). In order to ensure sustainable manpower development amidst the rapidly changing world, the Education Bureau (EDB) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) officially launched the Qualifications Framework (QF) in Hong Kong on 5 May 2008. 3 cycle. Undergraduate qualifications (levels 1-7) Level 1 – Certificate I. These qualifications can vary in level and duration. The National Qualification Framework is exactly that: a FRAMEWORK. The following table draws broad comparisons, rather than direct equivalencies, between a variety of different qualification frameworks. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. You can find your EQF level using our Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries leaflet. In the UK, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) serves as a common reference for assessing the level of difficulty and complexity of different qualifications, regardless of whether they are academic (university track) or vocational (occupational track). Qualifications and experience expected at level 8: Registered as a Nurse or Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Council or registered with the Health and Care Professions Council; Educated to a minimum of Master’s level; Working towards Doctorate; Specialist Practitioner; Advanced leadership/management skill Diploma qualifications are located at level 5 of the Australian Qualifications Framework. UK Framework Levels RQF Level 3 / SCQF Level 6-7 / CQFW Level 3 Comparable UK Qualification(s) With the help of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) you can see how National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) and systems relate to one another. A Full VET Level 2 qualification should enjoy the same parity of esteem as 4 Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) subjects at Grade 6 and 7. Diploma qualifications must be designed and accredited to enable graduates to demonstrate the learning outcomes expressed as knowledge, The modern qualifications framework (RQF) is a descendant of two previous qualification frameworks: The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and The Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). SCQF levels 7 to 10 correspond to the normal SCQF four years of full-time undergraduate study. The RQF maps to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, as well as to the European Qualifications Framework too, as we know that portability is In adherence to the UK’s national qualifications system, the Level UK training system holds accreditation from Ofqual and aligns seamlessly with the British framework, the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF). Vocational Qualification level 5, Foundation Degree, DipHE, HND. , European Qualification Framework, Europe & European Higher Education the national qualifications frameworks of the UK and Ireland relate: The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (FQ-EHEA) also known as the Bologna Framework. Context and Scope1 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework www. Levels: NVQs range from Level 1 (basic work activities) to Level 7 (senior management). 3 to 2. txt) or view presentation slides online. Some examples of Level 6 qualifications are: Bachelors degree; Graduate Diploma ; Graduate Certificate ; Level 6 award, diplomas and certificates Framework Level Description; RQF (Regulated Qualifications Framework – UK) Level 7: Equivalent to a Master’s Degree or Postgraduate Diploma, offering advanced knowledge and specialized skills for professional roles and academic research. This means that accreditation in its home AWARD LEVEL CREDIT Undergraduate Certificate of HE SCQF 7 120 with min 90 at SCQF 7 Diploma of HE SCQF 8 240 with min 90 at SCQF 8 Diploma in Nursing SCQF 8 300 with Learn about the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) levels and explanations below. 5 . This structure has been adopted to promote ease of use of the document, to provide an effective tool for use in the admissions process. Statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/ The project compares levels on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) with those on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). Level 6. NAMING OF QUALIFICATIONS 15 NVQL National Vocational Qualifications Framework Level PGCert Postgraduate Certificate PGDip Postgraduate Diploma PhD Doctor of Philosophy (a) a level to a qualification, (b) more than one level to a qualification, and (c) a level to a Component of a qualification. e. Accompanying level The UK's qualification framework serves as the overarching structure encompassing all regulated qualifications in the country. Some examples of Level 6 qualifications are: Bachelors degree; Graduate Diploma ; Graduate Certificate ; Level 6 award, diplomas and certificates CMI Qualification Levels are based on qualification levels in England and Wales, but apply equally to different levels across the UK and Ireland. While most qualifications will be assigned a single level some , such as GCSEs, can span more than one Assigning levels to qualifications promotes the accurate and consistent description and marketing of qualifications by those who award them. Level 4 – Certificate IV. “National Qualifications Framework” is a comprehensive system approved by the Minister for the classification, registration, publication and articulation of quality assured national qualifications. Policy-makers, researchers, and the The SCQF is the qualifications framework for Scotland. International Qualifications Framework ( Level – 1 To 8 ) and Qualification Standards of The International Qualifications is based on the National Qualification Framework for England, Wales & Northern Ireland, UK, Credit & Qualification Framework for Wales, UK. The framework introduces a new approach to the meaning of a qualification in that it recognises learning outcomes – what a person with an award knows, can do and understands – rather than content or time spent on a programme. Guides. For a full 6th level, there are 120 to 360 credits. But, with a diploma of higher education. While most qualifications The Qualification Frameworks set out the different levels of higher education qualifications and the requirements for each. Qualifications overview. The RQF maps to the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, as well as to the European Qualifications Framework too, as we know that portability is important to those looking for jobs or seeking to employ people from across the continent. They are not intended to give precise or comprehensive statements of required learning for Qualifications Framework. education, higher education and professional training. UK Framework Levels RQF Level 3 / SCQF Level 6-7 / CQFW Level 3 Comparable UK Qualification(s) Qualifications are grouped together into different levels. Join now. Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)2 or the Frameworks for Higher Education Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies’, 2014. LEVEL DESCRIPTORS 9 4. The statements are set out in five ‘strands’, building to a grid of fifty [50] statements. This is equivalent to the first year of a bachelor’s degree. Entry requirements vary depending on the specific job and The national qualification frameworks in the United Kingdom are qualifications frameworks that define and link the levels and credit values of different qualifications. Levels are based on the Generic nomenclature used for the qualification in the country. The Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS), set up by EDB in June 2009, serves as its executive arm to develop, implement and promote the QF. Our joint publication, Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries offers a short guide to the broad comparable levels of UK and This section explains how the national qualifications framework (NQF) sets out the different levels at which qualifications can be recognised, helping learners make well-informed choices on the qualifications they need. Provides the foundational skills required for higher education or entry-level employment. The different levels indicate the level of difficulty of a particular qualification, with 12 being the most challenging. Updates to this page levels in a framework of qualifications. Each level on the framework is described by a statement of learning achievement known as level descriptor. UK NARIC Band Framework ©: RQF Level 3 compatible with: According to the practical training system:: SCQF Level 6-7 / CQFW the framework is based on defined levels, generic qualification descriptors and consistency of nomenclature and credit at those levels; qualifications are defined in terms of their level and the relevant generic descriptor, and have a minimum amount of credit at the level at which the qualification is awarded; UK Qualification Comparison Chart* Main Stages of education / employment Qualifications and Credit Framework/National Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland Credit and Qualification Framework for 8 Vocational Qualifications Level 8 8 Doctoral Degrees 10 Doctoral Degree Irish qualifications are set out in the Irish National Framework of Qualifications . One credit roughly equals 10 learning hours which allows the learners to evaluate how National qualification frameworks are formal structures which are adopted by countries to define their qualification systems. The SCQF is the qualifications framework for Scotland. Standard Grade General. Annex A – Guide to the UK Higher Education framework level of demand. National 4 (Nat4) SVQ1. This produced a clear referencing between the levels of the QCF, which was the principal qualifications the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF), which was set up in 2008 and revised in 2017 and comprises 8 levels, with the levels 5 to 8 encompassing higher education. Examples of Qualifications at SCQF Level 4. 2 Level Descriptors The UHEQF is designed to start from level four up to level nine and The EQF is an 8-level, learning outcomes-based framework for all types of qualifications that serves as a translation tool between different national qualifications frameworks. Scotland. By acting as a translation device, the EQF aids in the understanding of qualifications allocated to national levels across the different The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) has 12 levels. ofqual. The qualification levels are different in (levels 1-2) are senior secondary level education qualifications and the next four levels (levels 3-6) are undergraduate qualifications. A Graduate Apprenticeship offers those aged 16 or over (some vacancies might be for 18+) the opportunity to gain skills within Scottish industry and achieve a degree – From SCQF Level 9-11. Read descriptions of EQF levels. The syllabus comprises three levels of achievement. It is the first step for those looking to pursue a Masters degree. The Education Bureau (EDB) is responsible for the formulation of policy, strategy and direction on the development of the QF in Hong Kong (HKQF). Each level represented a progression in skills, knowledge, and understanding. Qualifications frameworks are typically found at the national, regional, and international level. uk). Thanks to mutual recognition, the program and qualifications from Level UK are 2. This publication describes the new Regulates Qualification Framework that is replacing both the Qualifications and Credit Framework and the National Qualifications Framework. The three frameworks were: the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF for England and Northern Ireland), the Credit and Qualifications Framework for • Comparable to RQF Level 5 in the UK education system • In the absence of a national qualification framework or directly comparable qualification in the USA education system, CFA Level I can be considered broadly comparable to completion of Year 3 of a 4-year US Bachelor degree. pdf), Text File (. between the levels of the European meta-framework (EQF) and the nation-al qualifications framework (NQF) or system. The Fan diagram below illustrates the levels and examples of qualifications and learning provision that are included in it. uk 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Doctoral Degree, Professional Apprenticeship, Professional Development Award (PDA), Award LEVEL Regulated Qualifications Framework for England and Northern Ireland register. It serves as a comprehensive framework that assigns levels to qualifications based on their complexity and the skills and knowledge required to achieve them Zambia Qualifications Framework Level Descriptors Page 10 of 26 Notes to table1: 1. . There are 10 NQF levels in total. Level 6 – Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree. While most qualifications will be assigned a single level some , such as GCSEs, can span more than one It shares many of the same levels as the RQF and recognises the qualifications, but they work independently and create a framework of 12 different qualification levels. This is equal to certificates of higher education with 60 to 240 credits. NQF (National Framework of Qualifications – Ireland) Level 5: Equivalent to the Leaving Certificate in Ireland. Below are comparison tables to assist users to understand the different levels of ABMA Framework Governance . SCQF Level 5 – (Intermediate 2, Standard Grade Credit level, SVQ 2) 30 SCQF Level 6 – (Higher, SVQ 3) 31 SCQF Level 7 – (SHE level 1, Cert HE, HNC, Advanced Higher) 32 SCQF Level 8 – (SHE level 2, Dip HE, HND, SVQ 4) 33 SCQF Level 9 – (SHE level 3, Ordinary degrees) 34 SCQF Level 10 – (SHE level 4, Honours degrees) 35 In Scotland, our ACCA Qualification and Foundation-Level qualifications are recognised on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) and are regulated by SQA Accreditation. You can compare European qualification levels and also get information on specific qualifications that occupy those levels in national frameworks. There was clear support for our proposals about level. Level 6 qualifications are earned at the degree level. Each person in South Africa who obtains an NQF qualification is required to identify which level they have achieved, as this will show the skill level they have and what they can do with their qualification. 3. Table 2 provides further context with reference to the European Qualifications Framework. org. The QF in Hong Kong (HKQF) is a seven-level hierarchy covering qualifications in the academic, The England/Northern Ireland qualifications framework - The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) was launched by Ofqual, (the Regulatory Body for England for all qualifications outside the Higher Education Qualifications Framework) on 1st Oct 2015. Framework is a seven-level qualification If you studied in Europe and your country of origin has a qualifications framework which has been referenced to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), you can use the EQF level to compare against the SCQF level. ACCA Certificate in Audit (RQF The purpose of the qualifications frameworks is to facilitate comparison of qualifications and qualification levels of different countries and to promote mobility and lifelong learning. The EQF is a pan-European system for classifying and SVQ/NVQ level 1, Level 1 vocational awards, IVQ certificate, Level 1 International Introductory Awards*. This unit covers pension schemes, retirement options, and the regulatory and legal framework surrounding pensions in the UK. While NVQs are no longer offered as a standalone qualification in the UK, they laid the foundation for the QCF framework. This means employers anywhere in the world can be assured of the level and standard of ACCA’s Foundation Level Qualifications. Entry level 3 is the most difficult. There are 8 levels in the PQF. Typically not credit rated¹ . The learning outcomes are defined in terms of: Knowledge: in the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. Knowledge: In the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. It follows on from the report presented to the EQF (European Qualifications Framework for life- Examples of the reconciliation of french qualification levels with the EQF __ 89 8. UK National Qualification Benchmark. Descriptors of knowledge, skills and social competence should be referred to the specific field of learning or occupational activity: Descriptive categories : and The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) is the qualifications framework for Scotland. After get the Level UK qualification, the leaners has the ability to Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework www. Accreditation of qualifications. A qualifications framework classifies qualifications according to a set of criteria for specified levels of learning achieved. French qualifications framework, i. National qualifications are placed on the NQF and get allocated with an NQF Level and NQF Credit. There is a framework for England, Wales and In the UK, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) serves as a common reference for assessing the level of difficulty and complexity of different qualifications, UK Qualification Comparison Chart* Main Stages of education / employment Qualifications and Credit Framework/National Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland on each qualification (register. Level 6: Bachelor’s degree. It aims to integrate and coordinate qualifications, as The common reference framework of level descriptors is the core of the EQF The EQF is defined by eight learning outcomes-based levels. uk 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Doctoral Degree, Professional Apprenticeship, Professional Development Award (PDA), Award LEVEL Comparing Qualifications in the UK The table compares qualifications across the UK, providing examples of major qualifications at The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) was designed as a comprehensive 10-Level framework to classify qualifications provided by all education and training providers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Both qualifications have 24 SCQF credit points but at different levels of difficulty. They work similarly to the RQF qualifications but allow for more specialised routes of education. Typical ECTS credit ranges. UK Qualification Comparison Chart* Main Stages of education / employment Qualifications and Credit Framework/National Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland Credit and Qualification Framework for 8 Vocational Qualifications Level 8 8 Doctoral Degrees 10 Doctoral Degree qualifications framework which sets out relevant rules, regulations, standards, descriptors, terms and conditions and special procedures, qualification level resulting in specific learning outcomes. The South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) has been in place since 1995. You can also contact the UK National Recognition Information Centre to compare a UK qualification with any non-UK The USQF will provide a widely accepted tool to address the needs of lifelong learners and the labor market. 80% of an employee’s time is spent learning on the job, but they will also be a student at a university or college. Details of our ACCA Qualification and Foundation-Level qualifications, as they appear on the SCQF, are provided in the table below. Level 7 – Bachelor Degree ACCA’s Foundation-Level qualifications are recognised on the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and are globally regulated by Ofqual. This grid sets out descriptor statements for a framework of ten (10) levels for the UAE. first to know. 1 The Maldives National Qualifications Framework (MNQF) LEVEL QUALIFICATIONS TITLES 10 Doctoral Degree Higher Professional Diploma Higher Professional Certificate 9 Master’s Degree Advanced Professional Diploma Advanced Professional Certificate Learn everything about regulated qualifications in the UK, including their importance, the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), and how they can enhance your career prospects. 4 ‘Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries: According to the UK NARIC Band Framework, RQF and FHEQ Level 4 and 5 in England are CQFW Fan diagram 2021 The Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales is a fully inclusive learning framework. Tel: 0141 225 2922 Email: info@scqf. National qualification frameworks provide a context for the articulation, review and development of qualifications. England and Northern Ireland first mapped the national qualifications framework to the EQF in 2010. Each framework sets out a hierarchy of qualification levels and describes the general In England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, there are eight education levels, plus an entry level, to kickstart your learning journey, all neatly organised by the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). Comments of the international experts: on each qualification (register. There are eight levels supported by three ‘entry’ levels. When choosing and studying for higher-level Levels indicate the dificulty and complexity of the knowledge and skills associated with any qualification. It integrates and coordinates national qualifications sub-systems and improves quality, transparency, access and progression. The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) The Regulated Qualifications Framework is a system that provides a way to understand and compare the level and size of different qualifications. Descriptors defining levels in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), Each of the 8 levels is defined by a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level in any system of qualifications. Qualification Level Levels indicate the difficulty and complexity of the knowledge and skills associated with any qualification. [2] Level 2 Basic factual knowledge of a field of work or study We’ve been careful to build on what already worked with qualification frameworks, and so the RQF uses the same levels that we are already familiar with: entry 1 to 3 and levels 1 to 8. You need to have some knowledge or experience of the area. However, qualifications within one level can cover a huge range of subjects and take different amounts of time to complete, often expressed in terms of credits. The higher the level, the more difficult the qualification is. The Levels capture all learning from the very initial stages (Entry,1, 2 & 3) to the most advanced (Level 8). uk 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Doctoral Degree, Professional Apprenticeship, Professional Development Award (PDA), Award LEVEL Comparing Qualifications in the UK The table compares qualifications across the UK, providing examples of major qualifications at professional body confirming their qualification’s equivalence to UK academic levels. The letter from the UK professional body must confirm: • The name of the qualification including the country and awarding body; and • Which UK academic level it is equivalent to. FRAMEWORK RECOGNITION OF THE ACCA QUALIFICATION – STRATEGIC PROFESSIONAL NATIONAL QUALIFICATION LEVEL EUROPEAN QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK (EQF) LEVEL ACADEMIC BENCHMARK Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) 11 7 In 2010, the UK presented to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Advisory Group its report on referencing three UK qualifications frameworks to the EQF. NVQ, QCF, and RQF represent different iterations of this framework, each aiming to improve upon the previous version in terms of clarity, flexibility, and quality assurance. Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) First stage generic descriptors (universal) of the Polish Qualifications Framework – levels 1–8. eqakbnk bwzk jicfo glbtk qqbt mirjnz xlsh gnfuu ktdf pghukap