New polyratings His lectures are almost verbatim from the textbook and all the in class examples are also the examples in the book. Because this professor is new, he sometimes gets confused on his own agendas and what he's telling us to do. you don't know what to expect ever, and murray doesn't really present material clearly. hes young, and new to poly, which shows in his teaching style. Each week's readings are on a new method for doing the paper. Polyratings died a few years ago. I really enjoyed the online homework because it showed you if you're answer was right or not without just letting you struggle. aaron was a pretty good teacher. Major (Support) Sophomore. He always shed new light on already learned concepts, and made us look at things from another For the final study all the new material and the old questions from the previous midterms cause they are re-dues for the final. Just getting her to focus and explain something fully is another There are another few books that are shorter that you read by the first test also. Midterm was easy if you half paid attention to his lectures and use your pratical sense. Another thing is he has this project where you build your own music instrument out of ordinary things and then in groups of 4-6 you create a 2 min 30 second I remember someone talking about polyratings with him in class, and the next day, someone had written this bs about Barata that read like a freakin resume. Major (Required) Junior. S. He rushes through lectures wayyy too fast and then immediately hands out group work expecting you to be able to understand everything he just taught. Professor Walsh was pretty solid teaching this course. Supplemental Study Material. He's incredibly narrow minded and I would even say ill informed. Loved taking this class, and I hope to get Timms again for another class in the future. Midterms and the final are curved so the class average is a C. On top of that, he likes to skip steps just because writing is easier for him. Let me begin by saying that Oulton is probably one of my favorite Professors at Cal Poly because (1)she knows how to laugh at herself, (2) she makes class fun with her enthusiasm and real world examples and (3) explains the material to the best of her abilities. org. She may have been good a few years ago, Gillen cares for his students and if you didn\\'t understand something, he would try to explain it another way. Carroll is extremely intelligent, interesting and easy to listen to, kind, funny, and really cares about his students and how they relate to and interpret the different assigned texts. He is a new professor here, but he is a nice and easy-going person. Class Handouts. For each new concept she presents why it works as well as how it works, which was very helpful for me in getting a full understanding of the material. Perry was not bad necessarily, he just had unreasonable expectations for the students in this class. my only gripe is that sometimes (very rarely. Major (Required) Senior. She uses fun, new techniques to help students learn the concepts and gives a lot of helpful instructions and feedback on the essays. The first 5 weeks was Access, and the last 5 were Excel. But, I think it's deserved in this case. The quarter I took this class, he tried implementing a new grading system (which, to be fair, was pretty terrible) but he openly asked the class for feedback and was extremely receptive to the problems that I pointed out in the new grading system during office hours. X as he likes to go by) is DEFINITELY a new teacher. Such a nice guy and always tries to make sure everyone understands. As an instructor, I peruse Polyratings quite regularly. Apr 2011. She brought a friendly youthful vibe to the classroom so it was always really easy to ask for help. -Unorganized lectures ridden with mistakes -Answers to quizzes and lab work are frequently incorrect -Extremely time consuming projects -Class has no direction is floats away into the twilight zone as the professor looks for where he made his Jan 2023. I don't write bad polyratings because I think they're rude and they're generally unfair. Some of his information is straight up wrong. very personable and very intelligent. its a common problem for english teachers cuz they know their field is useless to most after they graduate. Another plus is he is extremely funny. Also, she said that CNN and The New York Times are unbiased news medias. His exams are very fair, and he tells you exactly what you need to study and know. Don't take Laidlaw. I am writing this because this was the brand new class microbiology department came up with and we were the first one to take it. He didn't come across as just another professor at the front of class talking at you, he interacted with the class in a casual way and wasn't afraid to make fun of us. The new polyratings is polyratings. She challenged me to look at the world differently and to imprint my soul and it's creativity into my writing. Chi's accent is very clear and she would make sure that everyone understood the concepts and problems. So she is a great teacher to take. about 10-15 min before class ends, he realizes students are starting to get a little lost, so he starts talking about the real world applications and implications of the material (usually who Frisco is an awesome teacher. Furthermore, the lab final is worth 30% and the lecture final is worth 50%. Towards the end, Rilke and Neruda really start to get old fast, and they are probably two of his favorite poets, so that makes it a really difficult class to go to, but he does a great job of explaining why you should care. PHYS 211. Trice is one of my favorite professors at Cal Poly. The lowest midterm score can be replaced if the final is higher, meaning it can be worth 60%! I earned a C because I didn't spend enough time on the new material for the final, it could have been a B. The final test was the hardest so if your grade is borderline make sure you know everything in detail for that test. Major (Required) Sophomore. Accounting didn't come easy to me cause i've never dealt with it beforehand so i went to his office hours a lot (and tutoring) and he reexplained concepts and was really approachable! take tim !!! The almost one hour period was short for a midterm that had the written portions build up on one another and the 9 or so multiple choice questions. Please take this class with Professor Maples if you have the opportunity to- Try to avoid even if it means taking ENG 145 another quarter/year. 0 is fully open source meaning that anyone can contribute. Apr 2024. fantastic teacher. Sometimes he'll introduce a new equation and say, "oh yea, we derived this last class," but it's a different version mashed with something else algebraically. He answers emails and the online forum very quickly, and he is extremely helpful in office hours (which you will need to go to in order to get an A in this class). I really don't get why he had a 2. BUS 215 (managerial accounting) is a required major class for my major. She's senior faculty so I guess this quarter she decided to stop doing her job and started implementing a "new teaching style". New students though, AVOID it and please take someone else. Keen is an amazing teacher and one of the most helpful and reachable teachers that I've had at Poly. She really cares about her students and wants to allow them to learn everything possible. curiel is one of those teachers that thinks her class is the only class on your schedule for that quarter. The course structure itself is not that bad. There are in-class group-type assignments you need to complete in lieu of attendance, but those do practically nothing for your grade. Just a word of advice, don't rely too much on polyratings. 11/10 would recommend taking Hatch any time you can! Grade Received: N/A. He is so nice, like so nice, if you are sick, he tells you to stay home until you get better. like 2-3 times) he gets carried away in lecture and doesnt realize people have questions, then he gets so far along that the people with questions are utterly Not a particularly difficult class, there’s a good bit of reading but otherwise it’s a pretty easy. The only thing about Rucci that was a little annoying was that she is bad with technology. The class starts out very slow and simple, just reviewing statics and moment diagrams. I read the PolyRatings about her and took her anyway BIG mistake. This is a drastic number because. Robert is also very helpful during office hours and even likes to talk about research he currently does! The quizzes are similar to the homework. Dr. Whenever possible, take another professor. On another note, Professor Maple's class not only grew as a writer, but as a person. Cal Poly Professor Rating Website. halls class was pretty amusing. There were two midterms worth 20% each and a final worth 40%, and your final score overrode one of the midterms if you did better on the final. 101 will be hard for you if you haven't programmed before, and Keen will definitely make you WORK in his class, Dude is awful. Don't worry about the turn in questions or lab reports cause if you do bad, i. Even when she came back, the first week was on Zoom. Freberg is, the class is so interesting. Calpolyratings is dead, polyratings is semi alive with the fact that you can't add new professors since 2018. His grading system is basically a lottery, he doesn't post anything in canvas so you have to ask him to know what your grade is (and he's usually just guessing). Nevertheless, I would recommend Dr. Take her as much as possible. I need someone to teach me that's why i didn't like him too much. She also attacked Christians in her lectures, and blamed many of America's faults on Christian influence. Overall, I would recommend her for this class. I think he was relatively new to the chem department, but he obviously knew what he was talking about. Irene is awesome. The class covers three different monotheistic religions, and there are basically three assignments--as I recall, for one you have to go to a religious service of one of the faiths, for another you have to evaluate some media articles, and for another you have to look really closely at a religion's sacred text and write essays on how that religion allows (or disallows) violence. Second, everyone complains about how he says he wants one thing, and then grades on another that's the WHOLE POINT of 205/206. I wouldn't be against fixing polyratings so I can actually and product discussion in the integration fields. He is engaging and presents the course material in an entirely new way. She is pretty adorable and super knowledgeable about food science, but at times it is a little hard to understand her as English is not her first language (it's her 3rd!). no final but learning journal writeup and team reports due finals week. she gives 3 big essays totaling about 22 pgs and worth 40% of your grade. honestly, i would not recommend him. This guy was the co-founder and CTO of a company before he came to teach, what a badass. I wrote the other review for COMS 332, and my answer still stands even taking him a year later. TLDR, if you're a many, many years ago. Overall, take another professor if you can, but if you have to take her study a lot if you hope to do well or even pass the class. She just came this year so she is super new and keeps talking about it whenever she says something about polylearn. I always looked forward to coming to his class this year. Meserko is a great guy, I am glad this class is over but he was an effective professor. For every class, he makes sure that he knows all the ins and outs of whatever is being covered. its a 2 hour class but he occasionally lets you out early. knowledgeable, well-spoken, deeply enthusiastic. Oh well. really a great professor, i feel fortunate to have had him. He does throw pop quizzes or quizzlets once in a while based on the reading you were supposed to do. I spent way too long on ti for such shitty grading. If you have music experience, I'd imagine this class would be a breeze and attending class is basically optional. He does not teach anything worth learning. This quarter he gave a few extra credit opportunities which totaled to Incredible teacher. Mar 2007. Overall, Jan 2024. The class consisted of 2 tests (a midterm and a final, Take her she is the best English teacher. Jun 2013. I hope to take another class from her again. I just wish I took another harder and better class with him cause this class is nonsense about half the time. She has weekly quizzes and around 5-6 tests. Times New Roman font, simple formatting, everything on there helps you do the assignment. However, he does take attendance. Additionally, the new version will allow people to evaluate staff as well, ECON Professor Hamilton, Stephen. e. Garner may come across as an engaging and knowledgeable professor, but this was not the case based on my own personal experience. Feb 2011. He was very clear in his lectures. Timms is a cool professor to take. Jun 2017. Navarro is new to the English department here at Cal Poly, and his 202 class, which is also relatively new, definitely needs some tweaking. Her husband works in the ME department. My complaint is that most of the reading comes on in the last part of the class. If people end up using the site I can maintain it, add new features, and open source it. a very easy A since he lets you use notes for midterms. You'll never know, but you better damn well figure it out correctly because if you screw it up the mafia will have a hit out on you. Wilkinson to anyone taking CHEM 371 for a complete and in-depth understand of biochemistry and would LOVE to take another class with him. Look for another professor. My favorite times in this class were our philosophical discussions after example speeches or on speech days after everybody had presented. Just make sure to get the outline down Make sure to show him all the thirsty girls in his polyratings for a good laugh. SOC 110 SOC 111 SOC 316 SOC 406 SOC 412. Flexible Attendance Policy About a year ago we launched a new site as a part of my senior project at https://polyratings. in our class, a group broke a large mercury thermometer and spilled a large amount of mercury on the ground. He's alright hopefully poly gets a new AERO 300 prof. Jul 2008 (Xiaozheng is Jane, by the way. there aren't any midterms, but there are 6 quizzes. professor medizade is by far the worst teacher i have ever had. This stupid system can help you out but also makes it impossible to calculate your Dr. Overall, if you're new to music and looking for an easy GE, expect to go to class and take good notes, and you'll do fine. He never throws trick questions, just the most basic for each section. I would, and do, highly recommend his course to anyone. HIGHLY RECOMMEND- TAKE THIS PROFESSOR!!! For ENVE's who have yet to take CSC 231, CE 251 is a MUCH BETTER alternative, so much so that the new flowchart is going to implement CE 251 instead of CSC 231. No Breaks During Lecture Stair is a pretty new teacher and still working out his areas of focus and exam level for this class, but he allowed makeup credit for exams where the averages were especially low. He would sometimes slip up when speaking, but would correct himself, nonetheless. The labs would take me hours every week. He'll lecture about the material from the textbook through slides, but I honestly learned nothing from that. She missed several office hours when I needed help, so don't count on that! I kept up with the reading and study guides, which are helpful. I read all the polyratings, but my schedule made it so he was the only option. ES 112 His class is difficult with new labs given every class meeting. MU 324. Another professor who taught the same course had better test score averages than this course that had a failing grade as average for the midterms. Professor Tully-Doyle was a very understanding teacher towards the students and I really enjoyed his class. If you can concentrate on new material and on understanding what the teacher is saying at the same time then do it. I’m a transferring math major and taking Zoe for intro to Calc she has made the transition very easy. Glad I took this class to understand lots of different softwares for packaging and product design. Apr 2003. The final was the easiest part of the whole class. grades v easy, less assignments, no attendance required, labs can be done at home. He doesn't show Honestly, take her if you want to learn something new during your 4 years here at Poly. Thank you Lisa for turning my life around for the better. Her lectures rarely cover the material she tests on, and she is incredibly prone to going off on tangents - we had days in class where we would have a two-hour lecture but only take a half page of notes since she spent most of the time talking about Leslie is a brand new teacher who taught at Purdue. Major (Support) Freshman. The class is structured around writing a 12 page paper, with the first half of it due around midterms. So polyratings has reviews that RMP doesn't, but please use RMP. Besides just restoring the ability to add new professors and contribute new ratings, we've After working on this project separately for a few months, two computer science majors came together in November 2021 with the same vision: to restore Polyratings and make it an effective tool for Cal Poly students. Then mid quarter he flies through a lot of new material and expects for you to know it very well. If you looked up the interpretations, they had pretty different meanings. Wang (or Dr. Basically the only new thing you learn in this class is psychometrics, other than that it is just new ways to apply thermo 1. Besides how great of a person Dr. I would suggest practicing a lot of problems before the tests because he grades harshly when he sees a lot of little mistakes. at a math problem, you definitely won't have any problem staying awake in his class. The exams make you think harder and incorporate concepts you know. Brussel is actually on another level. This class teaches you a lot about of engineering. He is fairly new to teaching so he understands that there are other classes people have to take and tries to be flexible. Overall, I think Polyratings is a Honestly the worst professor I've ever had in my entire life. It's totally okay if you don't go to his classes and just finish the assignments/essays required from you. I had to watch another professor's lectures in order to actually learn. The EE department needs every current and new professor to learn how to teach from Prodagod himself. The final exam was cake, it was just problems from the quizzes with like a 5-10 new questions on a 100 question exam. Jan 2025. He expects you to know it already, and if you don't, well, too bad. he is very clear on what you need to learn. He even put the class onto Lit - a new super lightweight front-end library by Google which we used for the entire class (very easy to learn). dev. I was scared to take this class when I first saw the Polyratings for Morey but was pleasantly surprised! I loved the layout of her lectures and slides, they followed her lecture notes perfectly (recommend that you print the lecture notes before each class and fill them in Daily readings are sometimes complicated but he explains the main ideas in lecture anyway. Clements: "Good! Moral of the story is take another professor if possible and if you want to have a good understanding of the material, but he is a significantly better option than Lacassio. build a good 3D Most classes are going over new topics and workings with partners to communicate. I had a decent amount of experience of web dev going in and was amazed at his state-of-the-art expertise. makes the class extremely easy and genuinely wants you to succeed. I also took BUS 212 (financial accounting for non-business majors) last quarter with Daughtrey. CHEM 124 CHEM 125 CHEM 127 CHEM 128 CHEM 313 CHEM 371 Arakaki gives no conceptual explanations. and in between the big essays she has 5 \\"short writing assignments\\" that are not Another thing I liked about this class is that if you're bad at speeches, Also keep in mind, I make a point to like every single professor I have. Marshall in my opinion is a very good instructor, he presents the material clearly and usually uses relevant examples to help. If you don't want to get roasted by locascio, read the book before lecture. SUPER helpful in office hours and really cares about the students. Technical Knowledge: He knows his stuff. Bodemer is a good teacher, but this class is very WOKE. It teaches you preliminary Mechanical Engineering material and I honestly found it to be pretty interesting. No quizzes, just lab assignments. The first day of class, he was 15 minutes late and almost every class for the remainder of the quarter he was late. Class includes a 7 page research paper, a group presentation, and another group project proposal; all assignments that none of the other Heavy Civil classes do. He did something new this quarter and made the midterm a bunch of take home essays, it was a ton of writing, a fair amount of reading, but a good class overall. Hamilton on PolyRatings because on Poly Planner, her first name is Emily. I happened to take his EE 329 when a new MCU board was being used. For the exams, he allows 2 pages front and back on the first midterm, another 2 pages front and back on the second exam (4 pages total), and the final he allows another 2 pages front and back (6 pages total) for notes/equations. I had her for 236 last year when she was new and she seemed uncomfortable in front of a class but i knew she had potential because she was very eager to answer student questions. She takes a lot of time and effort to make sure that her students are successful during office hours and during lecture. This is another area that I'm not sure he was correct in. P. Aug 2018. Another assignment was to attend one play and write a play critique, which was very easy. Mandatory attendance taken daily. Again, Frank is a super nice guy. Find another lab instructor if The class material isn't bad, but that class was rough. His class was a lot of work, but it wasn't boring and he was very willing to answer questions and help out in any way possible. Overall, Valle is a good professor who makes his lectures interesting and is willing to help you with your assignments. there are very few quizzes which are based on the readings which are also an easy read. Well I was willing to overlook him brushing off student questions and not covering any of the stuff that was in the homework that was assigned but when he marked me off 20 points on a 70 point hw assignment for not writing the original equation and the givens that were listed in the problem right above all of the work I neatly, His handouts are the best handouts I've seen in my life. Rumor has it that a new "polyratings" is in the works. Elective. I would easily take another class with him. She was really sketchy at first and didn't seem well-prepared to teach a college-level class, especially one as intense as a 5-unit accounting class. First of all, Dr. Know your lab material for the exam because majority of the midterm is from the lab material, for example, why selective and why differential. Every time my groups would pray for a B. Feb 2015. Apr 2005. My only complaint is that there was an absolute assload of individual assignments. She grades ridiculously harshly, even if you show your essays and summaries to the CP writing center and they help you and tell you its fine, Hancock was such a chiller. She knows how to teach and has a real love for it. It may not seem like much, but with 35 people in the class and Mastin only calling on 2 or 3 people a day, it The exams were essay/short answer. instead, madizade attempted to sweep Bates is new to Cal Poly and her class was extremely easy. It's like vanilla HTML/CSS/JS but nicely bound together in reusable components. There are definitely some changes that need to be made to this class for the next group of students. Sophomore. because mercury is highly toxic, you are supposed to evacuate the room. 50% assignments - gives u plenty of She loves new ideas and students that work hard. Labs were pretty fair and enjoyable for the most part, exams were on the tougher side but not bad. They should realize that 141 He's open to new ideas, gives insightful feedback, and drinks enough coffee to be alert and awake at all times. " Dr. Not too hard to get a good grade, but I didn't learn much Cal Poly Professor Rating Website. Grade Received: B. Grade Received: N/A. So, speaking physics-wise, 9g's, as far as we know, may be g^2, or m^2/s^4, a whole new unit, OR it may just mean 9 m/s^2. in fact, im hard pressed to think of any situation in which any teacher could be worse. He is a very good professor. He did have a lot of work, but his grading system is pretty easy. I decided not to pull old reviews from other platforms as I think teachers can have a fresh start and my rating system is a little different. Will lecture for hours on end and only give a 5 minute break compared to the usual 10-15 in other large labs. as a hispanic-american professor teaching an ethnic studies class, Dr. New concepts were not explained in a way that made sense, which made studying for midterms difficult. SOC 110 Vlad keeps to the schedule he posts online and even plans for one to two days of review before the midterms, handing out his exams from a year ago. Slides posted online were from past quarters. Jan 2015. I definitely recommend him. You always have to appreciate someone who is clearly doing the thing they enjoy the most, and for Dr. He's a great guy, and he did a great job in another course I I think it's an improvement from polyratings and I hope the UI makes for a better experience than ratemyprofessors. I would definitely take another class with Sadie! Grade Received: A. Theres 4 essays out of class and one in class. he is slow and teaches basic things very slow, but if you already know the material the class is a breeze. Being new she seemed a little uptight at first but really got to know the students individually. There have been a few websites made since with all the old info copied over but nothing new really seems Our goal for the site is to give the Cal Poly Community a voice in its development and to ensure this, the new Polyratings site and related tools are completely open sourced. Homework doesn't have to be turned in, but it doesn't take long to do and helped me out alot. Feel free to discuss Memorable Quotes from Elghandour\\'s Polyratings page: \\"Elghandour is an outstanding lecture in to many different course. Another thing was that if you did one thing wrong on a quiz, you pretty much got a C, but she did drop our two or three lowest quizzes. If you're the kind of "Learn on your own" person, then he ain't bad. She's smart, helpful and friendly. Basically this new style is for us to come to class prepared by reading the book, her NOT lecturing, and then us being given activities to "apply our Go over the new material building off the last lecture's material. MATE 162. Whether it's the latest and greatest Crestron touchpanel or a new Grommes Precision Amplifier, we want to know about it. lol the most stressful class i've ever taken at cal poly. Mar 2016. Uploads Slides. Simulation took some time to learn how to use but the TA, Erica, did a great job explaining things and helping me understnad how to get the most out of the project. While last quarter was easier (solely because it wasn't an actual business class), I will never take another course with this professor again. She would twist the facts of events that happened in history to fit her narrative. While I understand that Professor S nchez is new to Cal Poly and is probably still adjusting to the differences, he never demanded my respect as a professor. Dec 2024. The class consists of 4 tests (the final is just another test) which each contain material from 2-4 chapters. Dec 2014. Sari is very nice and understanding, she really makes an effort to work with her students to help them understand the material and do as well as possible in the class. The Facilty design project is really, really big, infact, it's so big you might just have a lot of fun. The project to revive polyratings is fully available at polyratings. I had Niku for FSN 204 and FSN 250. If you have some experience, you might be able to come out fine. Major (Required) Freshman. Flexible Attendance Policy. It had all of Barata Honestly one of the most fun and enjoyable classes I’ve been to. Customers in the REAL WORLD are like this, All the hate he receives on polyratings is entirely unjust, probably from students upset that they didn't do too well in 141. Overall he is a great teacher. As a science-based student, I was not looking forward to taking a history General Education course, but Trice really brought it to life. You learn so much about yourself and how to cope with different stressors. I'm glad Find and rate your professor or school Criteria is unclear, python packages are reported to be used when to not be allowed to be used all of a sudden, and the constant frustration of having their "basic tests" always broken. He gives two tests (multiple choice/short answer) and one short hw assignment. English was my worst subject in high school because I was an international student. Clark said he was going to change the class to make it more newb-programmer friendly. Midterms are 25%, and the final is 35%. Speaking of, the midterms seemed to be a sample of the hardest multi-step problems Perks could find. Dec 2015. Since he is newer, he does a lot of producing from his notes and the textbook which he ends up posting on Canvas, so other than exams and quizzes going to class is pointless. He doesnt grade his own lab reports he gives them off to a student with a very harsh grading ruberic. While initially, she seems like a good teacher, over the course of the quarter the class becomes more and more frustrating. Freshman. The first 2 are only worth 15 percent and the second two 20 Pretty cool and inspirational dude. he is a super nice guy though!! the averages on the quizzes are roughly 16-18/30, so as long as you're He's pretty new to the teaching game but he tries his hardest to convey the material in a way that you can understand it with the addition of applying "real world" concepts with it. To succeed on the midterms, just make sure that you do the reading and follow her guides on how to ace the exams, they're really accurate and helpful. Her slides are uploaded so you can reference them later. Dec 2018. I read her polyratings, but took the class anyways because I knew that trying to switch into another COMS class would be nearly impossible. This class really was pretty difficult as me and my classmates thought. I highly suggest her as a professor! Grade Received: B. ~9 labs, ~9 challenges, Feb 2014. Very personable and really cares about his students. That being said, he is a really phenomenal lecturer and helped me understand lots of new (what can be considered pretty difficult) material and he also did it somewhat efficiently. 16% quizzes, which are easy. dev and it's used and updated often. It is, I suppose, a little shameful that I am posting here (especially since I have to lie in order to fill all of the text fields). She then recommended we call later that day to go over my completely new essay; then she didn’t answer my texts or call at all Dec 2003. Junior. He is always welcoming to students having questions in his class, and helps provide a fun and calm learning experience. He's not afraid to shove his incredibly liberal beliefs down your throat. We had one 300 page novel that needed to be read for the second test and then one 300 page novel, and one 350 page novel to read before the final. He makes you buy his book for like $40, and reuses it (NOTE: he mentioned he'd make a new issue for updated information). Took CSC231 for a week before dropping it as a sophomore. Timms that is geography. Inflexible Attendance Policy. As a new lecturer she is very careful about how she teaches her class. Many times there were Cs. Because of my new major, I have a girlfriend and a six-figure salary lined up after graduation. There isn't a lot of required work, but she gave good feedback and I feel like I improved as a writer because of this class. I'm expecting an A because she only has three tests all quarter and the rest is attendance, maybe a little participation. Professor Werner is an interesting professor. Oulton is new to Cal Poly this year in the CE/ENVE Department. It might be hard to get an A, but you will learn physics. Very accomendable. She knows her shit and even helped me with another packaging class I had. Overall, this class is a mess. Apr 2020. the lectures were kind of inconsistent, some went on the entire two hours, some ended an hour early. Mar 2008. I think I looked at it and it had the same reviews for one prof dated to 2008 but I’ll check some others, thanks! TL;DR: Polyratings Revival is happening and if you'd like to talk, yell, scream, or help at/with this project please join the Discord server! Cal Poly Professor Rating Website Polyratings provides professor reviews, average ratings, grades, and workload information for students. I was hesitant to take Peter's class at first because of the Polyratings but I learned such a valuable lesson: DO NOT ALWAYS TRUST POLYRATINGS! Going into this class, I was terrified of speaking in front of a college class, especially as a freshman in a totally new environment. Hi everyone, it's been a bit longer than expected, but the Polyratings revival project is complete. If you understand all the material these are extremely easy. labs are 9% and are graded on completion. I was a little confused finding Prof. If you have any complications, he was very accommodating. Sadie is absolutely my favorite teacher. Giving an early evaluation just because he's going to teach CE 251 for summer 2017. Bryan is a very likable teacher, as you can see from his other polyratings. I think he's new to Cal Poly too. Sometimes it seems like he struggles with explaining content because he's a new teacher using someone else's info for lecture, but if you ask questions he will try to fill in the gaps. Apr 2010. He is really helpful, go to his office hour The due dates were never made clear and the problems did not adequately prepare us for the midterms and final. 7 when I looked at him on polyratings. 10/10 take this class IF AND ONLY IF you have done python before. He created a really positive classroom environment and always showed up to class with a smile on his face. Just go to office hours, they were helpful. Grade Received: A. I honestly don't understand what the big fuss about Shollenberger is on Polyratings This deviation from typical grading norms is just another notable aspect to add to the list of concerns regarding the fairness and consistency of this course Moreover, I read the PolyRatings reviews before taking the class and thought that people were just exaggerating when talking about the horrors of Mehl’s class. Generally, his class is an easy A. Senior. This instructor is very disorganized, so her classes are confusing. Sophomore You can revise the first two essays for a whole new grade if you need to. Another time I went there were 2 people waiting (not his fault). Fast Response Time. To start off, you pay $250 for a new textbook which Brian Self co-authored, because he requires the Connect portion, then throughout the quarter he always brags about teaching at the air force academy, even though he never served a day in his life, a complete poser, and for the finale, he doesn't curve the common final. There was also a quiz for mostly every chapter that was the Dec 2024. He rarely replies to emails, but expects you to always be prepared. Blau is an incredible professor who has made a class that could definitely be boring and stressful into a community that is a joy to be a part of. This means that 3 new labs are assigned each week for the whole quarter. Gervasi is the BEST ever!!! I personally am not great at Calc ( as you can see by my grade) however I enjoyed this teacher a lot!!! Do the homework well to study for the quizzes and you'll do great! Not to mention his New Jersey accent makes even the most boring lecture interesting ;p. ) I'm not a fan of using polyratings as a soapbox to bash professors, but I was disappointed in Professor Debernardi was entertaining and supportive. One meeting she says one thing, then another class she says the opposite. However, after working with Prof Loken, my speaking skills improved greatly. The new thing about this class is the participation grade, where you have to raise your hand and correctly answer a question 5 times during the quarter. Professor Moraga is a new college professor coming from teaching middle school, and it’s pretty apparent. We spent the first 4 weeks of the quarter having the lecture with another professor who was covering for her when she was in the hospital, and I gotta say I wish I took the other professor. If you make any sort of noise during his lecture he stops and asks you to move to the front of the room during a 100+ person lecture. She is the nicest lady and really tries to help students, but she just doesn't know how to teach. The extreme ends of the grading scale definitely show excellence or a lack thereof, Shollenberger is awesome. Eller is an outstanding professor for JOUR 312, he is very patient, and understanding of student's needs, abilities. and you get to do some cool shit with robots. I studied outside his class for midterms, but he really does provide his There is a weekly quiz and two midterms and a final. i aced the midterm and final (im talking aced, with over 100% on the midterm) and still got a b in the class because hw is worth a ridiculous 30% of your grade (i did well on every hw except one). There was also an expo thing where we had to present a creation of ours which kind of sucked since it was early in the morning but also was pretty easy overall. Schuster is brand new to Poly. The book is the same as the book you use in 202 so you don't need to buy a new book which is nice. It is quite easy to get swamped. There have been a few websites made since with all the old info copied over but nothing new really seems to get added. Sparks himself is super nice and is super accommodating of student needs. The tests were predictable, the homework kinda sucked, but if you don't do the homework in ANY math class, you will likely fail. Polyratings is a well known website amongst cal poly students. Her teaching system involves introducing a concept and the necessary background information, doing an example problem on the board, then having the students complete a similar exercise problem. She was very engaging and took the time to build relationships with students, Nov 2018. A day before the final essay was due, she told me my entire solution section wasnt feasible, even though she said it was fine when I initially submitted it (at least 2 weeks prior). If you would like something changed or would like to implement a new feature, open a pull request! I'm a student/professor, and I've seen a comment you wrote on your website and I'm going to sue the crap out of you if you don't take it down! I loved this class. hes a cool guy and has lots of fun stories. After all, the design of Polyratings requires that posts be genuine so that the numerical evaluation retains its worth. Student: "You've just shaken the foundations of everything we know. I had no programming experience going into this class so I was completely lost at first but I still managed to pull an A-. Be open to new ideas and performing - even if this might be out of your comfort zone. As far as new material, I can't express my opinion on how well he recognized someone's struggles. He is super funny and made the class feel very comfortable with one another. Coming from someone who did not know anything about information systems, you learn a lot of new and important concepts in class to take with you even if you don't end up concentrating in IS (if you show up to class). Rehnberg is a new professor, but I felt like she was good nonetheless. Immoos is the best! I am a biochem major so this class's materials did not present a particularly major challenge to me but it was all new material and Immoos was super clear about everything. Also, the class was an easy A/A-/B+ depending on how much you already knew about stats. Basically the class consisted of Microsoft Access and Excel. ES 112 ES 253 ES 340 WGS 201. She doesn't know to use polylearn that well, a lot of assignments are in the wrong folders and she will tell you that certain things are on polylearn but sometimes they aren't. This is a brand new class so it was all over the place but you learn a lot from it. Over the course of the last 12 months or so we've added about 1000 new ratings for professors? We're still actively maintaining, and improving the site to continue making sure it's around and useful for students! Polyratings 4. General Ed. I definitely recommend going to lecture because the one time I skipped lecture, I missed almost all of those questions on the exam even though I got notes from another person in the class. We strongly ECON Professor Ghosh, Aniruddha. He has a tendency to sometimes go on tangents that are not necessarily relevant to the class at hand but connect to high levels of math and physics. The guy means well but the class is a horror-movie in real life. I'm not sure if Name another professor who gives out extra credit like it's Christmas and still accepts extra credit assignments when it's a week past due. Tony presented the material in a clear and simple way, and also taught how we would be using this in the real world (for engineering and other math related careers). If your the kind of person that learns best from someone teaching you, then take another prof. In particular, I felt she did a good job catering her style of feedback to each student, for example, strong writers were given more in-depth feedback but still got a good grade. Clements is the man! Grade Received: B. 6 out of 10, and go ask what is wrong and fix it you will get a 9 out of 10. few movies here and there (actual movies or documentaries). The hardest part is he is a hard grader when it comes to Test problems were all fair, usually similar to examples from the lecture. Unorganized and incomprehensible at times. Robinson is a new young professor at cal poly and I believe this was her first quarter teaching if not the quarter before. Jan 2020. He uploaded slides and lecture was really easy to follow. mxhoa wuha sixp knsplqj frky sbsu bfffqxs agsh sydz yjfzz