Msal custom scope. Commented Apr 20, 2021 .
Msal custom scope That will auth the person against the scope and they'll have a bearer token to pass to the API (with passport-azure-ad doing its thing). Sign out with a redirect. Using az ad sp create --id some-custom-id-guid, I created an Enterprise Application in TB2C, which seems to have imported my API from TMain Now on react app I'm using msal-react and msal-browser for login and attaining token but when i am trying to get a singular token for all these scopes so that I get access to all apis with single token I only get Flutter azure_ad_authentication failure throwing InvalidAuthenticaation, AccessToken validation failure, for using custom scope To use the newer flow, your app should use MSAL. This tutorial shows you how to register an Angular single-page application (SPA) in a tenant on the Microsoft Entra admin center. When the response is returned, MSAL. Scopes provide a way to manage permissions to protected resources. read as your scope, your aud will be Do note though that if a user has many roles and you use the implicit flow to get tokens in the front-end, they might not appear in the token. The problem is that that was one of the first scopes I tried to use. Android) as these only support public client applications which don't know how to prove the application's identity to the Identity • Call Microsoft Graph with custom web UI HTML • Call Microsoft Graph with custom web browser • Sign in users with device code flow • Call Microsoft Graph by signing in users using username/password • Authenticate users with MSAL. microsoftonline. js supports authentication with social (Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc. MSAL for objc is sending the scope to login. Apr 29, 2020 · In this article, we will use Azure AD to secure the Web API. NET, except that the Client Credentials are passed as a parameter of both ConfidentialClientApplication constructors. I am trying to login via MSAL method. The scope user_impersonation is an custom scope defined by the app ⚠️ Before you start here, make sure you understand how to initialize an app object and working with resources and scopes. acquireTokenPopup) but I can't get the MAUI app to call the custom IEF policy. Im trying to get token from AAD B2C configuration using angular9 and microsoft/msal My module configuration looks like this; MsalModule. NET Desktop . I'm assuming that is the MS Graph resource ID. Error2. 0: To get v2 type token, you need to create new custom scope by exposing an API like this: Make sure to add this custom scope in API permissions tab and grant admin consent to it as below: I worked out what I'll do. Then, once the confidential client application is constructed, acquiring the token is a question of calling overrides of AcquireTokenForClientAsync, passing the scope, and forcing Important. Stars. js library, I tried requested token using this scope, but I don't get any token back. ' This makes me think that the framework is expecting the scopes somewhere else. But I always get Custom scopes are not allowed for this request. Namely, I got the following error: [ERROR] ClientAuthError: Token calls are blocked in hidden iframes This was driving me crazy! I think this has something to do with the versioning mess between Then you should be able to use the /. As shown in Exposing application permissions (app roles), your API exposes such permissions. 1. js Website, w ServerError: invalid_client: AADSTS650053: The application 'Max Fordham MSAL 2. For example: For example: import {PublicClientApplication} from "@azure/msal-browser"; const myMsalObj = new PublicClientApplication({ clientId: "ENTER_CLIENT_ID_HERE" }); let loginRequest = { scopes: ["user. custom property of the mixin's data object. 31. After successful login, when trying to acquire access token using acquireTokenSilent(), getting the below errors Refused to display 'https:// The MSAL. About the code. swift file, if your custom URL domain is login. 1 Wrapper Library MSAL Angular (@azure/msal-angular) Wrapper Library Version 2. NET 4. It's also possible in MSAL to access v1. The offline_access scope is not needed as you do not need a refresh token. The “”azp” (authorised party) contains the application ID of the client. For some further details see the Scope Best Practices article. 0. I also added the client app to the API registration's trusted apps. Thank you very much. juunas juunas. I have the custom flow built and working when called from my ReactJS website (using msalClient. net core apps, Microsoft Identity Web . The API does work acquireToken({scopes: ["user. js v2 (@azure/msal-browser) Core Library Version 2. 0, Scope A. 203 forks. The following samples Aug 31, 2020 · The v2 endpoint still uses the scope parameter instead of the resource parameter (which makes it more compliant with OpenID Connect spec). In TB2C, I created another app registration for a frontend app (B2CFE). After you've logged in with one of the ssoSilent or login* APIs the Replace Enter_the_Custom_Domain_Here with your custom URL domain and Enter_the_Tenant_ID_Here with your tenant ID. After sign out, the redirect defaults to the sign in start page. Yes, i do see the offline_access scope included in the token endpoint request. Scopes. My plan is as fol Scope Claims; openid (required) Returns the sub claim, which uniquely identifies the user. Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for JS. read as your scope, your aud will be Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with [azure-active-directory node ms-identity adal msal-js msal]. The MSAL Guard and MSAL Interceptor configurations take effect when a user tries to access a protected resource without a valid access token. If the user is a member of the tenant, the value is 0. If that is unnecessary or undesirable for your app, now you can use this parameter to supply an exclusion list of scopes, such as exclude_scopes = ["offline_access"]. For service to service auth using a bearer token for the app (client id and secret no user context) in . I am using @azure/msal-browser" and @azure/msal-react" in my SPA. On apps. ExecuteAsync() safe to use in a singleton registered service implemented like this?. Instead, for a single-page application to access to the Microsoft Graph API, you must bridge them using a proxy API. We are going to use MSAL for this demonstration. Go to the app you want to authenticate against. WithCustomUI() modifier by passing the instance of your custom web UI: result = await app. AcquireTokenInteractive(scopes) . These are the scopes ( openid, profile, offline_access) which we do not need to specify explicitly. See step 6 of my blog post for how this looks. This improvement New in version 1. I want to know how to customize both MsalInterceptor and I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the same results. Note: You can read this data without reactivity from the data object or with reactivity by watching the msal. For Several of MSAL's token acquisition methods require a scopes parameter. The authentication fails and here is the log: I'm using the custom scopes. That did it was using example from angular-msal actually and there they also added multiple webapi scopes (ms graph and custom web api) and it seemed to work- perhaps there it picked up only the last one added as well, i. This issue arises when the token nounce claim is unable to parse the Spring Boot API. I'll send a 'preflight' request to get the scopes to pass to MSAL. : So I changed the requested scope to just d220846b-1916-48d2-888b-9e16f6d9848b/x for some reason that forced med to re consent the application. Follow this to create the resource API Application registration, expose and grant access to a scope to your front Unable add custom scope for MSAL entra Angular integration, When adding still using graph API. Using the Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company In your case, you are trying to use it for your custom web app auth with custom scope which is not officially supported or documented. Azure AD has some vendor specific extensions, which will require you to expose at least one custom scope from the API in order to get a usable access token. I kept running into issues when trying to use react-aad-msal library in conjunction with the graphClient. Integrating MSAL with Angular can be a complex process, and one of the common issues faced is the inability to add a custom scope to the MSAL Angular integration. I m using AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApi . 0 Description As you mention in this comment I just need to set openid scope I'm trying to allow the user to delete their account on a mobile app built in . And if your backend is written in asp. Clients should be able to specify custom scopes from the identity provider. By default, MSAL Node will add OIDC scopes to the auth code url request. If you are inside your corp environment there is probably not any need for the users to manually consent each scope. ), enterprise (ADFS, Salesforce etc. 0 belong to Resource B. Azure App Registration: Values of IdentifierUris property must use a verified domain of the organization or its subdomain. import For this authentication flow to work, the Target App Registration must be configured with a custom scope. This causes issues of the AppIdURI for the api they are accessing has mixed casing. Added suggested implementation from MSAL and Azure. NET uses AuthenticationContext as the representation of your connection to the Security Token Service (STS) or authorization server, through an Authority. loginRedirect The backend API exposes one custom scope and one custom role. On the contrary, MSAL. js / acquireTokenSilent method. So in the pics below my angular web client is called 'MyCompany-Web-dev' and my API is In my opinion, if the access token has been generated successfully, we can decode it online and if the scp claim really contains the specific api permission (scp is for delegate api permission while roles for application permission), that always the backend api has issue to authentication but not the token is wrong. 0 & Microsoft Identity Platform employs a scope-centric model to access resources. The second argument is a MsalGuardConfiguration object, which contain the values for interactionType, an optional authRequest, and an optional loginFailedRoute. Please let me know if this is supported or what is the correct lib to use. To learn more about the ID Token claims, read ID Token Structure. Getting scopes / consent for several Web APIs; TLS issues; Troubleshooting; Synchronous programming; Target Framework Override; I am trying to implement MSAL authentication in angular application. MSAL integrates with the Microsoft identity platform (v2. g. Commented Apr 20, 2021 The MSAL Approach. This component acts as an authentication broker allowing the users of your app to benefit from integration with accounts known to Windows, such as the account you signed into your Windows session. NET in a WinUI desktop application: MSAL. However, the token from MSAL Android does not have the scopes or the audience. default scope is, when to A token cannot contain the scope of two apis. AccessToken; But this token don't have user Role details. dev. NET client credentials are passed as a parameter at the application construction. This exception might mean that the scope added is either not supported or is in wrong format. js application. I'm yet to implement that. MSAL. If they're a guest, the value is 1. default' to the MSAL acquireTokenSilent. It definitely makes the most sense. default scope. As an application developer, you need to call AcquireTokenSilentAsync first. When I passed ['access', 'user. WithCustomWebUi(yourCustomWebUI) . They are not available on the mobile platforms (UWP, Xamarin. Writing custom token caches is still done differently from ADAL, but it does now support asynchronous reading and writing of cache data. The MsalGuard can be added to your application as a provider in the app. Can you provide updated information? – msenne. Add a Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company We have custom policies for Azure B2C with MFA enabled. They are not available on the mobile platforms (UWP, A token cannot contain the scope of two apis. 0-beta. Therefore, I decided to use custom scope by creating an api in the Azure portal, but still MSAL is using the graph API. NET Core, . MSAL stands for Microsoft Authentication Library. You can set several configuration options when you initialize the client app in the Microsoft Authentication Jun 27, 2024 · Learn how to acquire a token in a single-page app and call a web API using the Microsoft identity platform. ; If you are giving user. # Now let's try to find a token in cache for this account result = app. I haven't found a way to not pass the offline_access scope in the token endpoint request. net core using MSAL. This behaviour deviates from the behaviour of several of the other MSAL libraries written in different languages and results in an inability to request custom API scopes. public class AADConfidentialClient : Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. microsoft. So far I've created an Teams App in which I access my Vue. We also recommend general familiarity with Azure AD B2C. 6k 13 13 gold badges 125 125 silver badges 164 164 bronze badges. azure-ad-b2c; azure-ad-msal; azure-ad-b2c-custom-policy; msal-angular; Share The MSAL Angular wrapper provides the HTTP interceptor, which will automatically acquire access tokens silently and attach them to the HTTP requests to APIs. You can find the full value by going to "Expose an API" -> Edit a Scope -> Copy the label at the top If that happens to you, upgrading to MSAL. After you've constructed a confidential client application, you can acquire a token for the app by calling AcquireTokenForClient, passing the scope, and optionally forcing a refresh of the token. Follow answered Sep 7, 2020 at 6:19. idToken). The custom scope format allows any characters within double quotes, aside from double quotes themselves. 0. Commented MSAL is able to call Web Account Manager (WAM), a Windows component that ships with the OS. PS and the Microsoft Graph SDK, you can also use the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to acquire security tokens from the Microsoft identity platform, it supports many Oct 15, 2024 · These samples show how to write a single-page application secured with Microsoft identity platform. It is not available on the AccountInfo objects returned from the account APIs. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 1 Latest Hi @AlexanderOpran, regarding your questions:. When I login I requested that definitely this api scope included and I need to give permission to it. services. tsx using configuration object: const config = { clientId: "myAppId", const loginRedirectRequest = { scopes: <myLoginScopes>, extraQueryParameters: { locale: "localeId", theme: "themeId" } }; instance. If you need to get the scope of a custom api, you should get another token. Client v4. Watchers. To create a scope through the Azure portal: Select Active Directory > App registrations. 1. 0/token endpoint. I am struggling to get it running even after checking a couple of different tutorials. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 7 months ago. A scope is OAuth 2. Because your application is exposing APIs, select Expose an API option from the left side menu. – Emil Morris. ; Provides user's account status in tenant. 0 concept. Library "@azure/msal-node": "^1. MSAL is a multi-framework library. For what i have been reading, msal 2. NET and Define a custom scope in Microsoft Entra ID: Required: Authorize Teams client apps: Required: Revise app manifest (previously called Teams app manifest) (MSAL) for the NAA flow. scopes: ["user_impersonation"] But if I use. NET Standard. js; Custom token cache serialization in MSAL for Python; Custom token cache Still on the same app registration, select the Token configuration blade to the left. Select optional claim type, then choose ID. The access token is issued according to the api audience you want to access, and it is unique! A token can only have one audience, and you cannot use multiple scopes to request access tokens. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Integrating Microsoft Entra ID SSO in React with MSAL, Choose the custom scope you created (e. MSAL configurations has protectedResourceMap configurations, which is an array where every item has I have an application where there are two guards (MsalGuard - for Authentication, AuthGuard - written own code to authorize whether the user is having access to that particular page). It provides two separate classes PublicClientApplication and ConfidentialClientApplication. If anyone knows how to update scopes on the custom protocols please please let me know. custom web api. read into jwt. 0) endpoint, which is the unification of Microsoft personal accounts and work accounts into a single authentication system. msal net 3. Then click on Add a scope. contoso. NET can intercept the call to the redirect URI specified when creating a Integrating MSAL with Angular can be a complex process, and one of the common issues faced is the inability to add a custom scope to the MSAL Angular integration. If you are giving access as your scope, your aud will be api://your_app_id. NET, the design of MSAL. Loading. I'm currently working with the msal. ) and local (stored in the Azure AD B2C Azure AD Define Scope. The first has grant_type=authorization_code and the response includes an id_token that contains the custom claim and a refresh_token, but no access_token. 5" In your AcquireTokenInteractive call, use the . In an ID Token, iss, aud, exp, iat, and at_hash claims will also be present. x. Modified 3 years, 7 months ago. x and using authorization code flow with PKCE in the front-end should help with this. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . 38. ExecuteAsync(); token = result. JS authenticate users with work or school accounts in Azure AD (AAD), Microsoft personal accounts (MSA) and accounts with social identity providers like Facebook, Apr 27, 2023 · In this post we’ll use PowerShell MSAL. MsalInterceptor requests the specified scopes when automatically acquiring tokens. You can specify the scopes for APIs in the protectedResourceMap configuration option. Copy that as a baseline, give it a unique GUID Please follow the issue template below. acquire_token_silent (["your_scope"], Custom properties. I do not want custom scopes / permissions in AD B2C at all, I just want a simple token (the same one) sent to all of my endpoints. In the "msal. 1 belong to Resource A. Jul 10, 2024 · To authenticate and acquire tokens, you initialize a new public or confidential client application in your code. But token with nonce claim unable parse in the spring boot API. NET Core application that authenticates to a custom API using MSAL, I've encountered a problem with the tokens not containing the necessary scopes for the custom API - but only when retrieving the To resolve the error, make sure to add the scope in the Application like below: In the ServerrukApp, I exposed the API and added scope: Make sure to add the ServerrukApp custom scope in the ClientrukApp API permission blade like below: When I tried to sign-in with Microsoft Personal Account, it is successful: If still issue persists, check the This behaviour deviates from the behaviour of several of the other MSAL libraries written in different languages and results in an inability to request custom API scopes. Msal Custom Authority Aliases. Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for . 14. One example is the access_as_application app role. scopes: [. default. NET MAUI while using AD-B2C and MSAL. Now, again go to App Registrations under Azure Active Directory and then select SampleWebApi applications. js (@azure/msal-browser) Core Library Version 2. NET is designed around client applications. service. msal net 2 @jahed-uddin Correction, the raw id token is available when you call acquireTokenSilent (response. In MSAL client credentials are similar to what they are in ADAL. msal net 2 released. var scopes = new[] { "User. So MSAL makes a 2nd request with Unable add custom scope for MSAL entra Angular integration, When adding still using graph API. I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the same results. Azure Active Directory v2. MSAL is a library that abstracts away the details of the REST calls you may be using and it uses the Microsoft Identity platform to resolve tokens. I can able to generate access token with the help of Graph API. Improve this answer. But it was working. Requests would need to be: // Access tokens for Resource A acquireTokenSilent([Scope A. How to combine custom permission-based authorization with MicrosoftIdentity/MSAL in Hosted Blazor WebASM. @tomreich If you grant admin consent on the scopes you need, you can remove default scopes from the code, and there will be no consent popups when requesting the scopes after login. Well-known scopes are the Microsoft Graph permissions. com I registered a client When I decoded the token generated with User. Support custom scopes and redirectUrl for U2M OAuth flow databricks/databricks-sdk-java#190. x instead of 1. Actual behavior We are unable to retrieve tokens with custom API scopes. (IAccount user, string[] scopes . We are using MSAL in Angular application to interact with Azure AD B2C. There is no user so openid and profile scopes do nothing. 0 package, I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the same results. AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults. js library allows you to pass your custom state as state parameter in the Request object. To provide feedback on or suggest features for Microsoft Entra, visit User Voice page. Therefore the API results in a 401 Access Denied due to audience validation. As such, MSAL had to make a network call even in simple cases like GetAccountsAsync. ts" I'm using the following configuration: tenantConfig = { tenant: "brianennotest. GetTokenAsync fails when using custom scope when I am attempting to use the MSAL python library to call another custom api in Azure(Exposed through AppRegistration with an API scope exposed). There is no need to provide scope openid profile offline_access when we using MSAL library to interact with Azure AD B2C. I have implemented @azure/msal-angular 2. Read"] or. . Will still keep in backlog, as others have asked for this. iOS, and Xamarin. js provides a logout method in v1, and a logoutRedirect method in v2 that clears the cache in browser storage and redirects to the Microsoft Entra sign out page. In this blog post, we’re going to cover some of the basics and explain what the /. 1]) I'm not saying it is a default scope, I am saying it is added by default by the MSAL library because refresh tokens are used in the basic SPA flow. You now need to have your API verify that the token it @JasSuri-MSFT I think it's the 2nd thing. After you make the changes to your Configuration. Scope B. Contribute to AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js development by creating an account on GitHub. It also provides additional benefits like token caching and renewal. Acquiring Tokens: ADAL. The token that gives you should work with DevOps. js 2. We only need to provider the custom scope we defined for the web API app register on Azure AD B2C blade. scopes: ["User. 844 stars. Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python makes it easy to authenticate to Microsoft Entra ID. Example App Registration for Web API with Scope (Image) In the Web App you use the access_as_user scope (including app id prefix) in the call to the authorization endpoint. js checks for a state match and then returns the custom passed in state in the Response object as accountState. My react app uses MSAL (@azure/msal-browser) for user authentication, so I configure MSAL instance in my index. 10 Public or Confidential Client? Public Description Setup: ADFS 2019 Website & Api - p MSAL. Both APIs can only use one Interceptor at a time else the request fails. 0 application. Prerequisites. When an access token is requested, the client application needs to specify the If you specify multiple scopes that map to multiple resources, MSAL doesn't know which one to get an access token for since there's some ambiguity. Here, a resource refers to any application that can be a recipient of an Access Token (such as MS Graph API or your own web API), and a scope (aka "permission") refers to any Cannot Authenticate with Azure B2C Using MSAL with Custom Protocol due to Missing 'profile' Scope. For anyone having the same problem Thomas was correct checkout this article to create a custom scope and then put the scope in your requests: const signInRequest = { scopes: ["xxx/api/user. read as your scope, your aud will be There is no need to provide scope openid profile offline_access when we using MSAL library to interact with Azure AD B2C. net core, you MSAL is a multi-framework library. Please note that you will need Azure subscription to Expose your own custom scope on your app registration and request this scope: msal . MSAL would do this all automatically if you have an appropriate scope configured in your MSAL Authentication Parameters object. These samples use one of the flavors of MSAL. I found this Multiple resources in a single authorization request question which mentions not being able to mix scopes from microsoft graph and outlook. 57 watching. NET doesn't have control over this browser, but once the user finishes authentication, the web page is redirected in such a way that MSAL. For the after sign out experience, you can set the postLogoutRedirectUri to redirect the user to a The {CUSTOM SCOPE 1} and {CUSTOM SCOPE 2} placeholders in the preceding example are custom scopes. The SDK will add there scope automatically. Then, once the confidential client application is constructed, acquiring the token is a question of calling overrides of AcquireTokenForClient, passing the scope, and forcing or not a refresh of the token. I set up Web Api Application in Azure AD and define some scopes here, also set up SPA Application and give permission to created scopes. I granted permissions for my client app registration to use the protected API. Note AdditionalScopesToConsent isn't able to provision delegated user permissions for Microsoft Graph via the Microsoft Entra ID consent UI when a user first uses an app registered in Microsoft Azure. I downloaded the example below to get an access token from MS Graph and it worked fine. So when application starting its login correctly using Azure AD. 0' asked for scope 'custom' that doesn't exist on the resource [redacted resource ID] That resource ID is not my Application ID, and matches the resource ID that I get when I put the token from user. 3. doesn't contain the custom claims. To interact with the Microsoft identity platform, Microsoft Entra ID must be made aware of the application you create. exclude_scopes¶ (list[str]) – (optional) Historically MSAL hardcodes offline_access scope, which would allow your app to have prolonged access to user’s data. AuthenticationScheme) . Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company In this article. The scope user_impersonation is an custom scope defined by the app Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) is a popular library used for authentication and authorization in Microsoft identity platform. office365. ; If you haven't already done so, add a web API application to your Azure Active Directory B2C tenant. Read scope, its version is 1. @JasSuri-MSFT I think it's the 2nd thing. Can you clarify why you want the id token? In most cases, registering a custom scope and getting an access The MSAL Angular library has three sign-in flows: interactive sign-in (where a user selects the sign-in button), MSAL Guard, and MSAL Interceptor. 3. This is one part that I think has not changed since the article two years ago. For more information, see Scopes for a v1. 0-alpha. – Azure AD Oauth2 implicit grant multiple scopes by juunas. NET v4 (nuget Microsoft. I am writing a daemon application that will make the request. Grant Admin Consent: I am trying to implement a login using the azure-msal-browser package in a Vue2 application. Scopes are the permissions that a web API exposes that client applications can request access to. This doesn't work since I have a policy based authorization ⚠️ Before you start here, make sure you understand how to acquire and use an access token. In MSAL. How do I add claims from my custom claims provider to Entra External ID/Azure AD access tokens? To get the custom claims in the access token, you must generate the access token for your own application. <UserJourneyBehaviors> <ScriptExecution>Allow</ScriptExecution> </UserJourneyBehaviors> MSAL 2. js package, so that I can you use the azure authorization for my own Vue. loginRedirect ( { scopes : [ "api://clientId/customScope. Scopes to request. Android) as these only support public client applications which don't know how to prove the application's identity to the Identity MSAL uses a cache to store tokens based on specific parameters including scopes, resource and authority, and will retrieve the token from the cache when needed. Can I create my custom middleware ? below is my code. default scope and get the needed permission in the roles claim of the access token. com as all lowercase. , full_access), and add it to your React app. It's also capable of The steps above are enough for integrating the msal-react library and making the authentication process work in your app. Select the optional claim login_hint. Event though I had just consented it. The frontend app has permissions for both the custom scope and role. All Confidential Client flows, including the one presented here, are available on: . Read" ] } ) ; B2C and Sign-out Experience Jun 4, 2024 · Here, a resource refers to any application that can be a recipient of an Access Token (such as MS Graph API or your own web API), and a scope (aka "permission") refers to Apr 10, 2021 · MSAL. AcquireTokenSilentAsync is capable, in many cases, of silently getting another token with more scopes, based on a token in the cache. the docs link to #cors-api-usage doesn't work and it's not clear how/where to "declare your api routes and scopes" or what "protectedResources" are. ts, with its configuration. This issue arises when the token nounce claim is I am trying to integrate MSAL with Angular. js when sending the request. NET • Authorization code with PKCE • Device code: Mobile The MSAL. 5. onmicrosoft. Let's say your app wants to read the user's calendars, you'd request the At this point, I do get the token back with which I call my custom Web API end point protected using MSAL and an Azure App with the above mentioned App ID. The passed in state is appended to the unique GUID set by MSAL. forRoot( { auth: { Skip to main content Next once logged im trying to get more data for graph data or for my custom scopes, like this: getToken() { const accessTokenRequest = { scopes: [ "https://graph This was not the case until MSAL. This notation tells Microsoft Entra ID to use The scope should include the exposing resource's identifier (the Application ID URI). com but no indication as to why or if the same applies to mixing customAPI scopes and graph scopes Verify app roles in APIs called by daemon apps. Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) has ended support. While we understand the app developer should have control over the scopes they want to use, we add specific scopes by default, namely OIDC scopes (openid, profile, offline_access). But when I request token silently with this scope I couldn't find that it has been incorporated in token. 0 includes "openid", "profile" and "offline_access" are added by default. If your web API is called by a daemon app, that app should require an application permission to your web API. . As you are using Authorization Grant Flow with Scopes are a part of the OAuth standard, though how much you use them is up to you. NET will throw an explicit exception if both Instance and AzureCloudInstance are specified. (scope). ; Select Add optional claim: . If you don't have your tenant ID, learn how to read your tenant details . In this simple scenario I do not understand what benefits there are in requesting a different token with a different scope for every endpoint that you have. net core 6 . js. Customers need to ensure their applications are migrated to MSAL. Now I changed the code to get a token from a custom web API. Using msal-react hooks. In such cases, the MSAL library forces the user to sign in. Contribute to AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-dotnet development by creating an account on GitHub. Once login done I need to generate Accesstoken for Accessing the Azure API. There are MSAL libraries for pretty much any language you might ADAL. read'],I got token for only access scope like below:. Client applications request the user's consent for these scopes when making authentication requests to get tokens to access the web APIs. permission"]}) Check the Request Configuration Options below for more details. If that happens to you, upgrading to MSAL. The scopes parameter is a list of strings that declare the desired permissions and the resources requested. Share. After the reconsent I now got both the custom api scope combined with the applications graph scopes in the authresult which I have never seen before. Looking at the network calls that MSAL does when a user first logs in, there are two requests to the oauth2/v2. ExecuteAsync(); The MSAL. read", "another. For example, Scope A. The imports takes in an instance of MSAL, as well as two Angular-specific configuration objects. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This scope needs to be assigned to the app registration for your Web App. NET. Few APis require custom interceptor (AuthInterceptor) and few require MsalInterceptor by msal. e. Commented Apr 20, 2021 In the process of writing a desktop . The access token generated for other API such as Microsoft Graph, SharePoint etc. Single sign-on with MSAL. Merged For more information about MSAL for browsers, see the README of the @azure/msal-browser package. ; Select the optional claim acct. using tokens that are issued as result of an Azure AD B2C built-in or custom flow. com , and your tenant ID is aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111 Thanks @andrea How do I use “private_key_jwt” with a default/custom authorization server? Or does “private_key_jwt” only work against the Okta/Org authorization server? I would prefer to use jwk based client_credentials auth Currently, accessing any Microsoft API isn't supported using an Azure AD B2C-issued token, i. 0) is ConfidentialClientApplication. reactjs - azure msal-brower with nextJs: passing only one scope to the API . See the B2C documentation for more. The “scp” (scope) contains the three scopes we asked for. Openid, profile and offline_access scopes do not make sense in a client credentials scenario. read"], }; It appears to fix the scoping problem when retrieving the token from cache This scope needs to be assigned to the app registration for your Web App. That said it would be really nice if this could get some attention Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for . I believe you need to pass a scope of '499b84ac-1321-427f-aa17-267ca6975798/. default] I get a token back. NET is such that AcquireTokenAsync never looks at the cache. Failure to do so will result in a delay in answering your question. Indeed, Azure AD provides an instance discovery endpoint which lists environment aliases for each cloud. MSAL exposes this functionality through the acquireTokenSilent method. Report repository Releases 57. Contrary to what happens in ADAL. In this article. In order to optimize SSO, MSAL fetches this list and caches it when the application start. NET team has rewritten the UI tests to use this extensibility mechanism. <SingleSignOn Scope="Application" /> <ScriptExecution>Allow</ScriptExecution> </UserJourneyBehaviors> MSAL logoutRedirect is working as expected if the scope is Tenancy or without <SingleSignOn /> node in the custom policy. Identity. ms. But when I use that scope I get this error: '4200 openid,offline_acess are reserved scopes and may not be specified in the acquire token call. I have used 2 Apis in this project. read"], state: "page_url" } myMSALObj Using MSAL in your code, you can set the Azure cloud instance by using an enumeration or by passing the URL to the national cloud instance as the Instance member. MSAL Monitoring. However I don't really need ms graph here, so removed it. Create a user flow to enable users to sign up and sign in to your application. It also can perform silent renewal of those tokens when they have expired. The msal-react library also offers some hooks that can help you solve specific tasks. There’s a good overview here . 0 resources. A token cannot contain the scope of two apis. read"], }; const silentRefreshRequest = { scopes: ["xxx/api/user. To configure nested authentication, follow these steps: Register your SPA; Add trusted Angular Configurations. If it returns false, continue to use your existing token retrieval method. So MSAL makes a 2nd request with In my JS code which uses msal. In this article, we will discuss a workaround to this problem using the Graph API. – The MSAL'consentScopes' should be set to the desired scope for the back end API that your front-end client is targeting; the API for which it needs an access token. For regular auth flow (like in this case Client Credential Grant for example) You should be still using MSAL , OR for easier integration with asp. To resolve the error, make sure to add the scope in the Application like below: In the ServerrukApp, I exposed the API and added scope: Make sure to add the ServerrukApp custom scope in the ClientrukApp API permission blade like below: When I tried to sign-in with Microsoft Personal Account, it is successful: If still issue persists, check the We talked about this in our last community hours. module. Core Library MSAL. 12. If a third-party scope absolutely requires double quotes, use a backslash to escape it. So I'm thinking that everything is working well. However, let us look at one more interesting concept that this has to offer. Check out the video above! If you’ve ever worked with the Microsoft identity platform (aka Azure AD, aka Azure AD B2C), there is a good chance that you have had to work with scopes, including the /. Please check the aud (audience) claim of the token you are generating. Forks. com", clientID: '7c94b737-786c-4e1c-9231-0a0d803ac47c', signUpSignInPolicy: "B2C_1_SiUpIn", b2cScopes: [""] }; Try to add a custom scope in Azure B2C portal and add the scope In your (server) application registration in AAD, you need to specify your scopes in the oauth2Permissions element. Read" }; BrokerOptions (optional) Historically MSAL hardcodes offline_access scope, which would allow your app to have prolonged access to user's data. If you want to store user token cache data to e However, the token from MSAL Android does not have the scopes or the audience. You may already have a user_impersonation scope set. 0 in my angular 11 project. 58. The scope to request for a client credential flow is the name of the resource followed by /. AcquireTokenForClient(). And I see nobody else on the internet attempted with a custom scope using okta-oidc-android lib.