Can you ask for someone in jannah. If you deserve Jannah Allah will guide you.

Can you ask for someone in jannah You can attain it, don’t think you can’t. Unfortunately it’s not possible. So, believe me when I tell you that death is not a solution for anything, except for a settling of accounts before Allah for the actions we have committed in our life: good or bad; to end your life is to attempt against the life that Allah has given you; There will never be someone like you, you are unique. Mar 30, 2020 · The Sufi position tends to exaggerate the blessings of the sites where pious people are buried and what pious people can do, such as be present with you all the time, or when you say his name. I ask Allah to help us to practice these deeds and gain these traits. Al-Firdaus is ts highest level, and from it the four rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth. Jan 9, 2024 · Salam alaikoum, all praise be to Allah (swt), There are many good fatawa regarding this including this comprehensive one which should answer all of your questions. , imagine talking to a close relative who is in hell; difficulties communicating while being punished without respite. I just wanna say I wanna meet all of you guys in Jannah. t Also if you ask for all the technology and gadgets and fantasies and exotic locations and things in movies such as iron man suit, spiderman suit which are all created using special effects and will these appear instantly. Can't expect to go to jannah if you are not believing in God himself and you disobey him, go against him, oppose him, doing that to your own very creator after seeing his own words (The Qur'an) what we don't understand is that disobeying God and going against him is the deadliest and gravest sin, it's not like "just because they refused to I’ve seen some scholars make statements such as women wouldn’t even desire to ask that but to me it seems like that comes from them applying their earthly male ego and jealousy to matters of Jannah because they just can’t accept that women can have sexual desires as well that can match those that men have so even in Jannah they want women May 5, 2018 · The strongest opinion is that one may have one's children in Jannah that one had during one's life on Earth, but not give birth to a new offspring therein, and no reason was given in any hadith as to why. e. But I completely get having a room where it’s constantly raining, I love rain too Allahumma barik Inshallah you will see your brothers in jannah, i will pray for you to see them! But yes there’s also people i wanna see there, most importantly the prophet pbuh, my grandparents from both sides of the family, except my grandpa, he still lives. Apr 3, 2023 · 00:00:01 --> 00:00:35 Abdullah Mr little the Allah Tada and who narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have seen the very last person to get out of * and enter into Jannah. Oct 22, 2017 · And for Haram things, in Jannah, you won't ask for something which is illogical. Now, Allah tells us to ask Him for everything. The awliya (those close to Allah) do not perform miracles ( mu’jiza ) however they can be blessed with extraordinary gifts in dunya, which are called In Jannah you can eat whatever you want with no harmful effects. An example being how our beloved Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is in Jannah and how Abu Lahab is in Hellfire. t and His messenger, you will go to jannah (some instant, some will go to hell first then jannah) If you are believe in a god and for some reason never heard of Islam or never learn true Islam (only heard of terrorist-linked Islam) then you will be tested by Allah s. Praise be to Allah. You can ask for either, and it will be given to you. 2- Muslims, who mixed good deeds with bad deeds, Allah will admit them to Hell for their sins for a while, then He will bring them out of the Fire and will decree that they will abide for eternity in Paradise after that. Jun 10, 2017 · Question: Can people in heaven and hell ordinarily communicate with one another? If people in heaven and hell can ordinarily communicate with one another, it raises some bizarre problems, e. Jun 22, 2019 · So it can also be possible that the wish you are currently making may be turned out to be a childish meaningless wish in Jannah considering the level of fun and enjoyment available there. It is in the Quran. So yes, you can meet fictional characters in Jannah. In the world, you may go on a luxurious holiday, but by the end of two weeks, you start missing home. Trouble is getting there. What to do to enter Jannah? A Muslim should follow the teaching of the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to enter Jannah. If a person commits major and minor sins, it is still possible for him to be admitted to Paradise without being brought to account, if he repents and turns back to Allah. (9:80) May 19, 2024 · The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Whoever asks for Paradise, three times, Paradise will say: “O Allah, admit him to Paradise. A fictional character is someone who comes from the mind of a broken, flawed human. “One of the inhabitants of Paradise will ask Allah to allow him to cultivate the land. Jews and Cristian’s beleive in the same God as us. I'm sorry but This stuff belongs to the duniya. ” (al-Bukhaari, Muslim) Hadith: Who can guarantee for me that he will never ask people for something, and I will guarantee for him Paradise - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths As much as I'd like you to have your wish/dua accepted. No proof of that. When they say that, I always believe it to be too good to be true. Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah believe that some of the Muslims will enter Paradise without being brought to account or being punished, and some of them will enter Paradise after being brought to account, and some will enter Paradise after being punished in Hell as Allah wills, then He will bring them forth from it. Exceptions like young children or isolated tribes do exist and this general rule doesn't apply to them. It’s not something to be saddened over. If you are in a lower level of jannah and your family or someone is in a higher level and you want to be with them can you elevate to the higher levels? Answered by Ustadh Salman Younas Question: I have two questions. He wanted us to develop a mindset of excellence. Maybe I’m writing this in affect, and maybe I won’t have these feelings at all in jannah, would just like some encouraging words, jazakallah khair. There must be no upper limit to what we can imagine and do when we are in Jannah - unlike our limited minds of this world. Our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Paradise has one hundred grades, each of which is as big as the distance between heaven and earth. They are mentioned by Abû Nu`aym in Sifât al-Jannah (258-260) and by Ibn al-Qayyim in Hâdî al-Arwâh ilâ Bilâd al-Afrâh (332-336). ” (Thirmidhi) Some scholars indicated that the expression of “100 levels” refers to the “grades” that exist in each level of paradise. Salam, Haseeb Ahmed As far as my knowledge goes and Allah knows the best, the people in Jannah will have shafaaa (Ask God to grant foregiveness for some people), after the shafaa of the prophet, and the martyrs. So alcohol makes you feel good but also makes you feel bad and clouds your judgement in Jannah it will only make you feel good. Anyways Allah knows best if he wills anything is possible. Because I remember someone saying something like there is 7 levels of jannah, [3C. The Basic. Firstly: Al-Bukhaari (2790) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “In Paradise there are one hundred degrees that Allah has prepared for those who strive in the cause of Allah; the distance between each two degrees is like the distance between heaven and earth. My question is that if a woman ask for some person other than her husband (different person for example in looks or so) to be made for her in jannah. If not, dm me. Because Allah (SWT) created them the first time, he can create it again. reproduce), the Prophet (s) said she can if she desires it in Jannah, but she won't desire it. Dec 9, 2012 · The people of Jannah can ask for whatever they want. Sep 14, 2022 · “In Paradise, there are a hundred levels, what is between every two levels is like what is between the heavens and the earth. Du'a is used to ask for something in the dunya and akhirah while in Jannah all your needs and wishes will taken care of there no need to ask your Lord for anything anymore. The first group will be from his followers, and then others will Jun 25, 2010 · The scholars and people who are religiously committed should not pray for this man and others like him, but the ordinary people should pray for him, just as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) refrained from praying for a man who had committed suicide, and one who had stolen from the war-booty, but he said: “Pray for your Tanjiro: Whole family gets slaughtered. 1. You wouldn’t feel sad at all though, Allah will remove all the bad feelings from your heart when you enter jannah. Jul 12, 2024 · Praise be to Allah. w. Several times, Allah (ta’ala) encourages us to ask and He will provide for us. So if someone is in Hell either for a sin or for Shirk, we can’t ask for them to be spared if we are in Jannah, right? By Allah's will, there will be a number of intercession of Judgement Day. The Power of Repentance: Turning Major Sins into Good Deeds. It gets better as "time" passes of eternity. The path to Jannah from these deeds is easy, so take advantage of them before it’s too late. All pleasure in this world is somehow incomplete and tainted (for example if you eat too much, you get a stomachache), whereas in Jannah all pleasures are complete, pure and abundant. After justice has been met, they will be turned back to dust. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) told us about how great Jannah is. If you should ask forgiveness for them seventy times - never will Allah forgive them. I ask Allah to grant us the success in all good Nov 15, 2024 · How to Get to the Highest Level of Jannah: 1- Love Allah and His messenger and strive ing hard to please Allah; 2- honor your parents and serve them with kindness; 3- Be kinf towards your parent, the kith and kin, the poor and the needy and the weak; 4- Make a lot of dhikr; 5-Be mindful of Allah always. There is a hadith about a man asking about farming in jannah: The people of Jannah can ask for whatever they want. If he cared, he would have at least got you engaged to him. ” There is The only individual people, who we can say are going to Jannah or Jahannam are those confirmed in the Quran and Authentic Hadith. But you may ask why would no one be sad , because Allah says in the quran: 36:55 إِنَّ أَصْحَـٰبَ ٱلْجَنَّةِ ٱلْيَوْمَ فِى شُغُلٍۢ فَـٰكِهُونَ ٥٥ Aug 29, 2020 · In this fatwa: 1-If you have had a love affair with a woman, then she got married to someone else, it is time for you to forget it and move on with your life. May Allah reward you greatly. Guys always mean what they say. But is only applicable to people who did belive in God but were doing other sins. Did you know that it is also equally that simple to ask for Jannah? Aug 3, 2012 · Surely the people of Jannah when they enter Jannah and they don’t find those companions of theirs who were with them upon good in this world, then verily they will intercede for them in front of Allah Ta'ala and they will say: "O Rabb we have brothers who used to read salaah and fast with… May 11, 2021 · You will be at the maximum beauty one can be, and all people faces will be between the glowing of the moon or the stars, so you will not see anyone more beautiful than you. Jul 26, 2011 · It was narrated that Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever can manage to die in Madinah, let him die there, for I will intercede for whoever dies there. Is this possible, because no one can see the ghaib (unseen). May 16, 1999 · However, if a person comes forward and recites something over you and you do not stop him, this does not mean that you are not counted among the people mentioned in the hadeeth, because you did not ask for ruqyah. Jul 27, 2021 · I ask of You al-Jannah (the Paradise) and I seek refuge in You from an-Naar (the Hell-Fire). People go to hell for multiple reasons and only a few will keep them permanently. Only our Prophet (PBUH) has seen Jannah when he was elevated to the Heavens during Mi’raj. If they did deserve it, Allah would've opened their hearts to Islam. You'll have to die first to get to jannah and most probably You'll forget this duniya. He said: The first people to go to Jannah will shine like the moon. We will wish for good things, and they will be granted. Hope this helps. I would like to try that. There is a hadith where a man asks the Allah whether he can cultivate the land in Jannah if you wanted to. And Allah knows what's in your heart and your desires, if you ask sincerely, who knows, maybe Allah will send you someone similar to that character or change your heart and make you fall in love with someone else and laugh at your I think you can ask for 70 million slaves or more for yourself as well, to balance out the pleasure. For ex: If a person murdered someone, then did Tauba. Firstly: Al-Bukhaari (6472) and Muslim (220) narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Seventy thousand of my ummah will enter Paradise without being brought to account; they are the ones who did not ask for ruqyah or believe in omens or use cautery and they put their trust in It probably refers to the least rewards of the people of Jannah. – So I often ask questions about Jannah, questions whether one can change their gender in Jannah. In Jannah you never feel like that. if not thats understandable, i'll make the most with them while they're alive. Can I make dua for Jannah on behalf of my loved ones? Yes, you can ask Allah for Jannah for yourself and your loved ones, showing kindness and empathy for their eternal peace. You can't understand something ultil you own slef never felt it. If you are in a lower level of jannah and your family or someone is in a higher level and you want Sep 4, 2001 · The answer is, yes, the people of Paradise will be reunited with their loved ones who went to Hell, if they were believers in Tawheed (the oneness of Allah). We can say that Jannah is an unimaginably alluring garden, beauty of which cannot be described through our worldly languages. my wife to be is a very pious woman alhamdulillah, i love this so much about her and she inspires me to be the best muslim i can possibly be i just wonder, what if she reaches a higher level in jannah than i do? i absolutelyyyy want her to reach jannatul firdaus regardless if i obtain that level or not, but if i don’t, would this mean i would be without her? You had to first enter jannah by permission of the true God and then you had to ask him to allow you to make you own universe. Also, i read that the angels will constantly inspire us on fun things to do when in jannah. The only reason why alcohol is not prohibited in heaven is that it does not intoxicate. Before getting in Jannah , there will be judgment where we will take the rights from someone or they take their rights from us . IN SHAA ALLAH if you still desire that man you like if you reach Jannah you will have him. We must remember the power of prostration and use prayer as a tool to communicate with Allah (SWT). So many times, someone who is below your physical strength or who is below your social status, someone you can inflict harm to, so many times they do bad things to you and you want to do something evil back to them, you want to eat them alive, and you can do it but you repress this. This is however just a general condition. May Allah grant you and all the Muslims Jannah. And is there one door better then the other? ([3B]. You can't forget your mother Same when you truly love somebody you can't give their place to someone else. However, jannah is fulfillment of fitrī desires (natural disposition). If you believe in Allah s. Jazakallah khair and keep up the work that you are doing to guide the ummah. In one hadith, the Prophet ﷺ said that if a believer desires a child in Jannah, one's wish would be granted: Oh this is an EASY one…. May Allah give us Jannah, it truly is beyond amazing. Here's a great resource: There's a hadith that says you will be with the people you love in Jannah. I know that Jannah is the ultimate reward for believers, and I truly hope that I will be Dec 6, 2020 · Jannah is a place that has been promised to us if we obey Allah SWT and His Messenger (PBUH). Some said: "Probably Al-Firdaus is the highest level, and from it the four rivers of Paradise are made to flow forth. Life in Jannah is eternal without any ending or any loss of age or strength. . If you are fulfilling your Islamic duties in Dunya and if ALLAH (SWT) grants you Jannah then you will get WHATEVER you want IN SHAA ALLAH Now, if you read the 2nd link I posted above, you will see that you can visit others in higher levels - this is different than being a permanent residence in that level though. However, you can make this dua at any time. You can't someone else your mother other than your motheryou can't give your mother's place to someone else. As you are entitled to demand and get whatever your soul desire. Hope this answers your question. ” And Allah knows best. "Go and enter Paradise, for you will have the equivalent of the world and ten times as much of it - or: Indeed, you will have the equivalent of ten times of the world - and he says: You mock me - Or: You laugh at me - And you are the King, for I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, laughing until his molars became Dec 26, 2017 · These are the legislated deeds for Jannah, its light is clear. An author writes about so many people based on their experiences and imagination but what Allah can give you is not based on such lowly, human traits. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. ” Thats not what they are asking. So try your best to reach there and then what we say today is, the world will be in your hand. What is the authenticity of the Hadith about the hafiz of Quran who will be allowed to intercede for ten of his family members? Answer. ”And whoever asked to be saved from Hell, three times, Hell will say: “O Allah, save him from Hell. And you can ask for WHATEVER in Jannah unless it is prohibited, like sleeping. When you ask from Allah, ask for Al-Firdaws. So let's say you really wanted a spouse in this life, but you didn't get it. So we literally will never run out of things to do. That may answer some questions that you have regarding the true nature of Jannah - and should provide you with further reading material as well. But in jannah everyone can make a wish and it shall happen, and as silly as it sounds, I don’t want them “wish” to see me in jannah. But there is no Authentic or even weak source of Hadith/Quran to confirm that a Muslim woman will get another Husband. This dua asks for wisdom, a good reputation, and to be counted among those who will inherit Jannah. You should make sincere tawba to Allah Ta’ala and make a firm resolve that you will not repeat this sin in the future. You can ask anything in Jannah as long as it is within the limits that Allah set so you can’t ask for death, to get out of Jannah, to go back to the worldly life, get to the higher levels, hurt someone, be sick, be hungry, to sleep, etc. First you need to enter Jannah to be able to ask. (meaning 100 levels split up among the 7 or 8 stages of jannah) Yes, but you need to put steps in motion, ask for her wally's number or better send someone who know her to talk to her. Once you let him go, you will see that he doesn’t care. What do I mean by this ? You backbited someone , you slandered someone , you stole from someone , you hurt someone etc etc and vice versa . However, here are a few things you should note when entering Jannah. Don't listen to anyone who says you won't have him. If someone is desirous of incestuous relationship, or animalistic bestiality then we do not expect that having gone in jannah, the person would be granted these debased Oct 4, 2024 · It is important to do good work, but if you pray to Allah or ask for forgiveness for the sins you have committed, the gates of heaven can open for you, and you can escape the fire of hell. Exercise this tool to seek protection from Hell and to ask Allah Almighty to grant us Paradise. 2. Jan 5, 2023 · The one who is forbidden to ask forgiveness for is the one who has died as a disbeliever, as Allah the Almighty says (what means): {It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire. Times like the last third of the night, during sujood, and on Fridays are considered auspicious for dua. that way they'll be a medium if she rejects you. However Allah created men and women different, and since men are going to get the Hoor al Ayn and women aren’t, I was wondering if us women could ask for the same So when you ask Allah, ask Him for al-Firdaws. ] would each door lead to 7 levels each or each door to It therefore makes no sense to hear so many muslims claim that non-muslims can be admitted to Jannah. Not a dumb question. I’d recommend reading the book Understanding the Quran (by Abdel Haleem) - just the chapter on Paradise. Allah (SWT) says in Qur’an: Al-Firdaws is its highest level, from which four rivers of Paradise flow and above which is the Throne. Trickle down, if you will. Thats why we suffer in this dunya and we have to control ourselves . 2-If a woman is married to someone in this world, she would remain his wife if she dies while still married to that person – provided they both go to Paradise. Dua for Jannah/Paradise. I will ask Allah SWT to make me meet everyone who commented on this post. I was told: 'These are your people and amongst them there are seventy thousand who shall enter Jannah without being taken to account or torment”Then the Prophet (ﷺ) stood up and went into his apartment, and the Companions began to guess who may be those people who would enter Jannah without any accounting or torment. ”[2] The levels of Jannah are according to the number of Ayahs of the Quran This is based upon the following hadith. ” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4340) So Must recite “duas for Jannah, And Also Asked to be saved from Hell” Daily After Fajar and Magrib Salah. May 30, 2020 · He said: “Whatever I have of good I will never withhold from you, but whoever refrains from asking (of people), Allaah will make him content, whoever seeks to be independent of means, Allaah will make him independent, and whoever strives to be patient Allah will bestow patience upon him, and no one is ever given anything better and more abundant than patience. My question is about- The people who commit a crime and when they repent their Tauba gets accepted and he enters Jannah. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Sep 24, 2020 · At times one can become overwhelmed by emotions, and it can cloud one’s judgment. Afterwards you can be hopeful to reach what you desire. But I even read – till the person who has been wronged forgives he will not be forgiven. Do plenty of istigfar and pray for Jannatul Firdos. So you're in no capacity the GOD who is defined as all-powerful. Just a thought I had because I heard we can wish for anything in Jannah, but we can’t make Dua for someone who died on Shirk while rejecting Islam. Even better would be to ask one person you trust to speak to a person she trust that way there are two mediums. One hadith mentions: Praise be to Allah. Belive in the oneness of Allah; Pray five times a day. Lastly, you don't need to wait until you're in Jannah to ask for Al Firdaus - see the below Hadith and where I bolded: I really2 hope all my family and i will meet again in jannah inshaAllah. Answer. 😃 In Jannah, you don’t run out of anything. I would prefer not to socialise at all. It will actually rain in Jannah too, it’s beautiful because the sky will ask the people of Jannah “what would you like it to rain” and the people can say water, milk, musk, anything. Jan 26, 2020 · 5 - 12 yrs: you are a child all you care about is having fun and enjoyment and things along those lines ; 13 - 21 yrs: You are a teen and all you care about is how good and cool you appear and look etc. ” There is nothing wrong to ask someone saying: “O so and so, recite the Qur’an over me so that Allah may cure my sickness. FAQs About Dua for Jannah. If Allah admits you to Jannah, you will no longer have such thoughts as it's not compatible with the afterlife, just like how we will no longer be sad. If Allah gives you Jannah, you get whatever you want, even going to a fictional universe. Dec 25, 2020 · Ask forgiveness for them, [O Muhammad], or do not ask forgiveness for them. Both are used to connect you to your Lord while living in the dunya. Are women allowed to ask for fictional men in Jannah? I saw a previous question of a man asking, and all the responses were saying yes. Surely, I am not able to recite the words which you are murmuring (softly), nor the words which are being murmured (softly) by Mu’adh (رضي الله عنه)’. You're missing the point of both Salat and du'a. Read Duas about for jannah ,Rabbana Duas from Quran, Hajj Duas, Islamic Supplications with Arabic text and translations. so don't be stupid please. Saying it three times is an earnest request. g. Our thoughts are purified. I always hear people say you can do anything in Jannah and sometimes they use a quote like "Every desire on Earth is available in Jannah," or something like that, so maybe they used a Quran or Hadith verse, I don't know. If he clearly told you that he can’t marry you, then he can’t and he won’t in the future. Allah’s gifts upon gifts to you are uninterrupted, constantly flowing. Is it permissible to ask that? In jannah a person is granted anything they want so what if a woman wants some other person as her partner. Feb 26, 2015 · As for now, you can ask Allah to give you peace and happiness and to guide you to please him and to enter jannah. As far as your personal animals are concerned, I am sure you will be content with whatever you receive in Jannah. ” Dec 5, 2009 · They give the example of kings in this world, and say that the kings of this world can only be approached through intercession; if you need something, you go to their friends and those who are close to them, their ministers, gatekeepers, servants, etc. } [Quran 9:113] May 18, 2016 · Can Allah make exceptions? So if a person was to remain both in this world and the next is it allowed even if one makes dua? I ask because even though, Allah says you will have whatever the soul desires but Nabi SAW says no one in Jannah will be single. Allah can forgive all your sins in an instant and for one good deed that you may have done can give you a high rank in Jannah, this is His Mercy. And Allah Knows, while you know not. ” I know what I said above might sound silly, but Allah says in Quran, "Therein they will have whatever they wish, and We have more for them" (50:35) and "There you will have whatever your souls desire, and there you will have whatever you ask for" (41:31). May 22, 2024 · The Hadith referred to by Al-Bukhari was narrated by Imam Ahmad (15773) from Abu Razin Al-`Uqayli (may Allah be pleased with him) in a lengthy Hadith in which it says “The righteous women will be for the righteous man, you will enjoy them as you enjoyed them in this world, and they will enjoy you, but you will not produce children. Also this thought process that you can create you own simulation leads to the infinite regress, that is, an infinite chain of events and an infinite I have read through all of your comments and words can't explain how happy I am with this feeling that inshAllah i will be sharing Jannat-Ul-Firdaus with you guys. Muslims can ask Allah to let them into Jannah by saying special prayers. The greatest intercession, is al-maqaam al-mahmood, which the earlier and later generations will ask the Prophet (SAW) to intercede for them with their Lord so that He might relieve them of the horrors of the Day of Judgement. Now you may think that you want to do Haram things, but in Jannah you won't be wishing for them as it's not possible as our thoughts are purified. Whether it is flying or having a child of any age you please, the limit to what you can ask for in Jannah is only your imagination. To enter Jannah you must be one of those Allah accepted them. And as for your family I’m pretty sure there are Hadith’s saying if you do certain things like memorise the Quran you can take 10 people to heaven with you. Can u meet a fictional character, like goku or superman in Jannah. You get whatever you want in Jannah and you won't feel any pain or hurt there (not even of speech as it says in Surah Waqiah). More important. Oct 20, 2016 · There are several hadîth about the the people of Paradise visiting one another; however, all of those hadîth are weak. You can't ask God to make you sad, because it will be not exist and you will not want it. Also do all people who enter jannah enter from a door? 3A. There’s a Hadith about people asking Allah to save their loved ones from the hellfire and he instructs them to save whomever they recognize. To put it simply, The Noble Quran states that Jannah "will have whatever [those who inhabit Jannah] desire, and with Us is ˹even˺ more" and you will have "whatever your souls desire, and there you will have whatever you ask for Aug 13, 2020 · You will have whatever you ask for in Jannah. Intercession is also one of the events on the Day of judgement. Sayyiduna ‘Ali (radiyallahu ‘anhu) reports that Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: “Whoever reads the Quran, memorizes it, regards it’s permissible as permissible and it’s impermissible as impermissible Allah Ta’ala will enter him into Understand that in paradise (jannah) one will live at ease and whatever one desires shall be fulfilled. If someone is in hell then you can always ask for them to be taken out but don’t expect a certain yes. Can you ask others to make Du`a for you? Asking a person to make Du`a for you whom you think will have his Du`as answered, either because of his righteousness or because he is going to a place where one hopes his Du`as will be answered, such as travelling or going for Hajj or `Umrah, etc. Why would you ask for a good meal when the best meal is an option?. Your real home. The religion of Islam is beautiful. In Jannah, you will have whatever you will ever want when you get there, and Allah will gives things we have never even thought of. If you deserve Jannah Allah will guide you. Once they have been purified, they will enter Jannah. 1- Those who are blessed (destined for Paradise) and the people of faith, Allah has decreed that they will not exit from Paradise. The least rewards will be given to those who enter last, but even still, they will have everything they desire and 10 times more. So you will be so satisfied with Him that you'll ask Him to choose for you out of your confidence in His Plan. Also, things in Jannah do not stay the same. Boredom is mechanism in this life that makes you move forward and strive. And when it comes to the levels of Jannah, It has to do more with a status rather than a limit of wishes. You can find and learn Duas for everything you do in your daily life. Know for sure whatever Allah has given you is for your own best. By the same token, if you do ruqyah for your brother, you are doing him a favour, and this does not rule you out from being one of Jun 3, 2023 · Allah will reduce her wish to get male Hoor type someone. Jannah is your home. Now there is no chance as the oppressed is dead to forgive. " I found an issue on the site's hadith: middle of paradise not last part Jan 31, 2024 · This might be a bit weird, but I had to ask. ↓ 7. , is OK in principle. But, still, InShaAllah, you will be given whatever you wish there. And you will not ask Allah to forgive your parents. If you are in jannah (heaven/paradise) can you bring someone out of hell and into jannah because they say in jannah whatever you wish for comes true. Since we have gained the pleasure of allah we are finally allowed rest and enjoy. Please. Inshallah. He just can’t let you go because he is used to you and you are just a gap filler for him. Goku: You have a heart disease, get beaten up by multiple villains, experience incredible much pain, you die (twice). , to intercede for you so that the king can deal with your matter; so we reach Allah by If that person was already married to someone else in dunya, can you still marry that person in Jannah? A: All animate objects are haraam in Islam. In Quran 2:216, Allah says, “But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. ” Its like asking for a good meal vs the best meal. And in heaven is one human can meet each other even if they enter from another gate So repressing your anger is a means of entering Paradise. So when you ask Allah, ask Him for Al-Firdaus. I mean beside other deeds, you should forget each other in order to destroy all fields of the sin which can be related between you two respected persons. Search for a City or Zip to set your location Sep 25, 2024 · You can also recite the dua for guidance and knowledge dua to seek the right path. The ultimate goal for any Mumin is Al-Firdaus – the highest rank in Jannah. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Once the non muslims enter hellfire they’re permanent. Ask Allah for Jannah. "Brother/sister ask for me when you're in heaven" depends on that person making it to heaven first, and is not devotion/prayer (i. The lowest Jannah given to a person will be ten times the size of this world. Just remember, we have to work hard to get it. 3- If the disbeliever does something that is If you’re in a lecture or a meeting with someone important, for example, and you need to ask for a favour at the end of that meeting, you will really try to listen and be attentive to show that you’re worthy of receiving that which you’re about to ask for. 5. In jannah this feeling could be completely gone(if you want). Eren: Mother dies in front of you, you lose multiple limbs again and again and try to genocide the whole world except your country. I actually want to prove against this idea, so a Shi'a friend told me this: In regards to controversial matters like these, it's best you take the negative until one can prove the positive so as to not fall into innovation and deviance. And out of curiousity, would it be shirk to go to these people and ask for their help, for example for black magic, illnesses etc. I mean you might have memory but you will desire new stuff that belongs to jannah. Feb 16, 2010 · Praise be to Allah. Oct 17, 2020 · If I repeat a great deal the du‘aa’ “Allaahumma inni as’aluka al-Firdaws al-A‘la min al-Jannah (O Allah, I ask You for al-Firdaws al-A‘la, the highest part of Jannah)”, will I be able to reach it by the grace of Allah, may He be exalted, even if my deeds are not enough to make me reach that status? It’s kind of a dumb question but as someone who loves anime, manhwa, books and got fictional crushes I would like to know if it’s possible cause I heard you get what you desire in Jannah. you can make you both even. This etiquette of supplication is authentically reported in the Sunnah. Jan 25, 2020 · ” The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) also said to the mother of the children of Ja ‘far “ You may ask for someone to recite Ruqyah over them (her children). Perhaps in jannah we will feel new and greater emotions since we can see and be in the close presence of allah. You never get bored of Jannah. Aug 24, 2018 · Yes, You may ask for anything in Jannah. Deku: I dunno, never watched it lol. Can you kindly teach me regarding this supplication. If you want a standing lynx that can talk, I haven’t seen anything to the contrary to state you can’t ask for it, and Allah (swt) knows best. Once the Prophet was narrating (a story), while a Bedouin was sitting with him. Dec 15, 2013 · 1. Why would you be less beautiful (like Anne) then. Do you just enter the door your the best at? 2. So could you spar? Of course, if you ask for that you'll get it. Jannah is a wonderful place that Allah promised to good people. t to determine your faith to Allah s. Here tho, God grants the faithful the ability to pull someone 'up' that they knew as a reward, after the last day. 22 - 30 yrs: If you are a guy you care about your career if you are a girl maybe marriage, your life after marriage or something like that. It's your reward for keeping good ties and relations with good people. The amount of people you can intercede for will be greater depending on your rank in Jannah, eg if you memorized the Quran or were martyred. Remember each person is responsible for himself or herself. So hypothetically if you're judged to be in rank 20 but your family is in rank 50, Allah will elevate you to rank 50 so you can be with them and they will be with you. Q: How often should I recite the dua for Jannah? A: You can recite the dua as often as you like. If the current animals are turning to dust, it doesn’t mean that you can’t ask for them. No you will not be sad even if your parents are in hellfire . Most people will go for an orgy first hand if they are allowed to have it. INSHALLAH YAAA RAB, I’m gonna put a lawn chair where the people in Jannah can see the people in Jahanem and laugh so hard at Netwnyahu and the US presidents and congressmen and their dog puppet “muslim leaders”. Aug 13, 2011 · “Whoever asks Allah for Jannah…” This can be said with the following words “ Oh Allah, I ask you for Jannah” or “Oh Allah, let me enter Jannah” “ three times…” This means he repeats that request at one time. This Dua For Jannah And Protection From Hell fire is accepted only when you do good work and if you promise to Allah that you will always bow before Allah So, as a Muslimah, you ought to accept Allah’s choice for you, and thank Him. Hence, watching films of animate objects are also haraam. There are no restrictions. And if you like multiple characters how would you even just choose only one :/ Q: Will a person be able to marry a person in paradise (jannah) who is married to someone else in this world? A: You will have your spouse, and whatever else you desire you could get that as well. RasulAllah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam mentions to us an example of this, and it is in Bukhaari. Oct 28, 2016 · Praise be to Allah. It is encouraged to ask for Jannah at least three times a day for maximum blessings. Jan 4, 2018 · The most that can be understood from the words of the scholars concerning this issue is what was narrated by Abu Na‘im al-Asbahani in Sifat al-Jannah (422) from Humayd ibn Hilal, who said: We heard that among the people of Paradise, the one who is in a higher level will visit the one who is in a lower level, and the one who is in the lower What I meant by the message, sometimes Allah holds back things you want in this life because He knows that there is something better for you in the Jannah. I was told to make this supplication, Allahumma ad’khilni jannatul firdous al’ala bi’ghairi hisab wa la adhaab The above phrase makes sense on its own but I want further guidance on it. However that purely depends on your will. Q: Can I recite the dua in my own Dec 2, 2012 · That can't be replaced. Why? Verity intercession will be allowed in Jannah for their loved ones in Jahannam. In Jannah, you will get whatever you wish. That will be by virtue of their intercession for them to be brought forth from Hell and admitted to Paradise. As an extra related issue which could be interesting for you is that, as far as I can remember, once I heard that (almost) according to With regards to your question, it is known from the verses of the Holy Qur’an and explicit hadeeth that if a person declares the testimony of faith, they will eventually go to Jannah irrespective of the sins they may have committed in this world. Let us prepare an abundance of good deeds for our soul before we die. That is because they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. 2 home where you can eventually Rest In Peace forever. You can find a free pdf of it online pretty easily. Do you get to choose the door you go into? 1C. Cookie Duration Description; cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics: 11 months: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I’m not sure if this applies to non Muslim ls btw, so in the meantime just pray for them to be guided. As for what some women may do which might not be very rational or unmannerly, that is their business; you should leave them alone while trying your best to purge your heart of such traits of character. No one that sets foot in it will want to leave it and death is nonexistent at that point. It saddens me to know my relatives will go to hellfire, but could I request for them to join me in Jannah insha'Allah? they'll never accept Islam, trust me, they're pretty against it (but Allah is the decider) but I want them to be with me in the afterlife if possible. However you were patient and didn't fornication or anything like that in this life, so for your patience Sep 5, 2020 · so if you ask Allah for anything, ask Him for the Firdaus, for it is the last part of Paradise and the highest part of Paradise, and at its top there is the Throne of Beneficent, and from it gush forth the rivers of Paradise. Shirk). But, you can see God and that should be enough for you, because by just seeing God directly, then this is the greatest blessing in Heaven, the greatest blessing is not Heaven, but seeing God directly is indeed a beautiful and the greatest blessing. 1- Is there anything wrong to ask Allah Ta’ala to enter us into Posted by u/Acrobatic_Vacation61 - 54 votes and 50 comments Jan 21, 2019 · The prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) advised us to ask for the highest jannah when we ask for jannah. And the fun things to do in jannah is so out of reach with our current imagination that we just can’t imagine it now. Jannah is eternal. Because, Heaven it is your 0. Not only that but there is a hadith where a woman asks the Prophet (s) if she can have children in Jannah (i. mazad ypljdk tzmjd ngwuxrvv cwen pqeuciz fmdzht uytat lvhp nhqu