Harry potter betrayed by his parents fanfiction net. Harry turns to the one person he trust, Sirius Black.

Harry potter betrayed by his parents fanfiction net In his place I have rehired Professor Lupin. Harry Potter and The Acts of Betrayal. Mar 25, 2018 · "Dobby could bring Harry Potter's godfather food, and some clean clothes. Years one through seven and after and after the after Assassins Creeds side, revamp and mix of Harry Potter New Beginnings and Harry Potter The I was born Harry Potter—and nephew to your grandmother Petunia. , Tom R. It did not take long for a goblin to enter. "Ah my daughter. " "Professor, they —" Harry thanked him brusquely and turned on his heel to follow the goblin. but can they fix the Betrayed. His whole life was a lie, and runs to the man you least expect. David Barnes' birthday is in late August, so he and his family celebrate it while on their yearly vacation. Bellatrix said something that only people in the order could know. I also take it that you are staying in Potter Manor. ' Harry gently stuck his little finger in the boy's mouth then laughed as Teddy started to suck his finger. I blushed crimson at Malfoy's words and couldn't help but realize that he was right. Harry Potter and the betrayal. Not Hogwarts, obviously. "Why would The-Bloody-Man-Who-Disappeared Harry Potter give you his one-third ownership of WWW?"Angela said in frustration. Making Changes. A summer house in Florida of the United States Harry closed his eyes, a sudden thought struck him, he was going to use his fame and for his greater good, standing up and walking into the middle of the court room Dumbledore called for him to "Sit down Harry, it wont be long now" said Dumbledore in a commanding tone, a threat underlying it if you heard it. It was still dark was all he could think. As he wrapped his arms around his cub Remus thought back on all that happened in the course of the last hour. "The reason I am so interested in Harry Potter is because I know things about him but the teachers won't tell me more. "NEVER call my parents freaks!" "How dare you raise your voice-" "SHUT UP!" I yelled. Weasley, to tell me about your friendship with Harry. He has to return, if only because of his friendships with others here. now the light has come for him, to try and get their broken soldier to finish the job they need him for. "Dobby, that's a wonderful idea. Harry Potter was betrayed by his friends. " "Harry Potter? He's the one that gave you that company, right?" Courtney nodded and the conversation turned to the snow that had just started falling again outside. As he looked down at the picture of his cub's former guardian he felt relived. Even if he doesn't, it won't matter. Follow the trio, as they run from the ministry, while trying to win the freedom that was wrongly taken from them so many years ago. It is now only a week before school returns to session, and finding him before then is a lost cause. "Enough," she said out loud to her empty room. Mar 29, 2015 · An Epic Adventure Prologue: Betrayal. Rilgore entered 5 minutes later with a frown on his face because of Harry's attire. He ends up living with Hermione Granger and they together go to Hogwarts. I am not surprised someone finally found out about his, shall we say, predicament at home. The hall erupted into applause and cheers and the man stood by Dumbledore. A/N: This is my first attempt at a Dark!Harry. They stopped in front of a door with Private room 3 written on it. Think of this as a single chapter to a much longer story that I will never be writing. She summoned a vile of truth serum. One thing in particular stuck out in his mind Harry Potter was betrayed by his friends and even by his parents who are really alive. Dumbledore bashing, and slash. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any characters made by the wonderful J. Dumbledore has planned his death out and put him up like a pig for slaughter. What will him and his family do to get revenge? Read to find out. "I grew up hearing the stories about Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. In all that time I never once realized that he was the same age as me. but can they fix the Harry Potter finally hears the truth as to why Dumbledore allowed him to be mistreated and abused by the Dursley's. A/N: I do not own Harry Potter. With a curious look on his face. Judging by the house-elf, the boy in question is Harry Potter. "Angela! Watch your mouth!" Hermione said, wondering at the acerbic tone in her daughter's voice. While Ginny looked at him for a second longer before taking a sip from her cup, coughing as the harsh liquid burned down her throat. " "First I want to ask you, Mr. "Oh?" "Yes, it's…it's Harry Potter. "Fine then Ernie, you want Harry Potter, you'll get Harry Potter. Harry thought of Cedric, of his parents, of Sirius. But you knew that. Already a few weeks in, things were starting to look up for James, particularly after an interesting trip to Diagon Alley with his parents the previous week. Harry on the other hand remand emotionless. Vernon fell back in his May 26, 2016 · "Tom!" Harry's voice rang loud and clear in the court yard. if you don't like it don't read it. but can they fix the The magical world hated Harry Potter, this came out clearly as he was vilified in the Daily Prophet and his so called friends took his grief at loosing Sirius as proof of him going dark and evil. " Harry said sadly. Harry must return to the Dursleys, knowing the contents of the prophecy from his trip to Little Hagleton. Join me. It been two years since the big betrayal (as he called in his head) when all his friends had throw him in hell for a murder that he had not committed, for the death of sweet Ginny. "Avada Kedarvra. They got Neville's parents back to sanity. Years one through seven and after and after the after Assassins Creeds side, revamp and mix of Harry Potter New Beginnings and Harry Potter The Jun 30, 2010 · Disclaimer: Harry Potter does not belong to me. Like in all pure-blood betrothals I had read about there was usually a set limit on how late you could produce your first child. He would be fighting for his life. Instead of returning to Gavaldon, Sophie appeared near a river bank. Busying himself with his task of brushing his teeth, he said firmly in his mind, Mr. true. I have to say that I was surprised to receive your letter, especially from the Potter house-elf. He nodded and walked over and he began asking the questions, "When was the first time you saved Harry Potter?" asked the lawyer, "First time was when I told his parents and they went into hiding," said Severus. Andrew Granger stood and went to the room his wife had retired to. The Betrayed Hero. Harry Potter is a good and honest young man; I'm praying that he will spare your life. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 3,346 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 135 - Updated: 10/4/2005 - Published: 12/20/2004 - id: 2180368 Harry thought about that, He could see some major similarities between the betrayal he had just experienced and the Betrayal of his parents, by Pettigrew. Black. Aurors and headmaster Albus Dumbledore rushed to the scene and confirmed it was in fact Harry Apr 25, 2018 · Remus Lupin, the Dark wizard notorious for his betrayal of the Potters six years ago, died in his cell at Azkaban last night of self-inflicted injuries. Jun 21, 2021 · Harry who know his Heritance and power decided to go back into his 8 Years old along with his Future Knowledge and this time he decided to play a Game with Albus Dumbledore Rated: Fiction K - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. The werewolf, a former friend of the Potters before his hideous betrayal' Sirius tore his gaze away from the paper, not allowing himself to be dragged back into those painful memories. "Harry Potter, I thought you knew that much. "Grispok will see you now" was all he said then left. Natalie patted his knee comfortingly. As they passed, Ginny caught Harry's eye, her expression a mix of fear and confusion. Andromeda came back and handed Harry the bottle, 'You said you need to learn, no time like the present. "Fighting is not tolerated at Hogwarts. Then said to my aunt Petunia, "should've been blown up like his freak parents if you ask me" The light bulb over the table exploded. Even his best friend wouldn't hear him out. 53 votes, 30 comments. But he usually makes it home for dinner with the family. "As amusing as your foreplay might be, it still puts us no closer to getting Harry back. Betrayal to the Mistake. On the account of using the Killing Curse Harry Potter Found Dead Early This Morning. That was until he opened his eyes with a pop. "HARRY POTTER?" The great hall was silent, in the moment before he fully processed his name coming out of the Headmasters mouth, Harry thought he could hear his own blood running through his veins. He had a lawyer but Harry knew he wasn't really defending him. Will he forgive those Harry overhears a conversation that changes his world forever. He tucked his head between his knees and breathed for a minute. " He then retrieved his wand and waved it over himself, revealing for the first time in about sixteen years, his true looks. Summary: Okay, Harry's a girl in this fic and her name is Charlotte Jayde Potter; her twin brother Evander is mistaken to be the one who survived Avada Kedavra and because of this she is abandoned on her Aunt Petunia's doorstep because they don't want her to become jealous of her brothers fame (at least this is what they said to justify leaving her). "Holey Mother of sweet Merlin!" Michael exclaimed, "You're really Harry Potter!" "Yea, I am. Jan 26, 2015 · Evelyn Sader failed to stop the Storian from writing 'The End'. He couldn't think of him as that name anymore. Ernie's eyes were glued to the scar on his forehead and the famous green eyes, his jaw hanging open in surprise. Harry (undisguised) stood near the back of the press crowd. The snapping of twigs brought Harry out of his memories. K. "Harry is having enough problems without being actively associated with a Werewolf. The man who he had grown to love had rejected his parents and in doing so rejected him. She endured again the stab of his betrayal, of his lies. Am I going insane? My blood is boiling inside of my veins. " Watching as Buckbeak carried Sirius into the night, Harry felt Dobby pulling his trouser leg. there he stood, pale, thin as a tooth pick, dark circles under his eyes, though not as bad as when he'd A/N: Thank you to all my wonderful reviewers! Just a note-Harry/David is an awfully stubborn man. Harry turns to the one person he trust, Sirius Black. David rolled his eyes. Quickly, incase he tried anything I summoned his wand. That was the name of the man who had given Harry Potter hope for a better life-hope for a loving home. At least he made it funny. Chapter 5: A long, long time. Hopefully, he'll just kill me without the torture. Years one through seven and after and after the after Assassins Creeds side, revamp and mix of Harry Potter New Beginnings and Harry Potter The Harry Potter is left at the Dursleys at age five after he shows no magical potential to his parents who are still alive. "The trial on the 21st of June 1996 of one Harry James Potter. Follow the events of Harry as he, his family and his friends confront Albus Dumbledore, a man that is not who he pretended to be. It was rather odd, considering that she was the child and he the adult but she suddenly had the feeling that in saying what he had just said he had overcome another obstacle in his way. "She was truly loyal and I was glad to have her-you, by my side through the tough parts but times have changed. " "He loves her. Unaware that he would be doing more than just wondering if Harry wanted his company within the hour. "Harry, would it be okay if I brought Draco here if I find him?" Severus inquired, as Harry closed his eyes. " she commanded, letting go of the male's hand. After escaping Azkabanhis path changed his life foreverAssassins, war, revenge, some romance maybe and lotsa fighting Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Mystery - Chapters: 15 - Words: 25,976 - Reviews: 362 - Favs: 269 - Follows: 199 - Updated: 11/9/2004 - Published: 5/25/2003 Harry Potter was betrayed by his friends and even by his parents who are really alive. He was fighting to keep his composure. He was sick of it; he was sick and tired of being sent back to the Dursleys, he had thought on it for a while and decided he now knows what he must do. Angrily, she swept the tear from her cheek. She quickly bound him to a chair and poured the potion down his throat, then she cast enervate. Harry is in his sixth year when he finds out his friends have betrayed him because he's a Horcrux. " The Dark Lord gestured, holding her hand in his as the two stared at Harry Potter. He just hoped Harry wants some company. She had long, wavy, blond hair and she wore trendy shorts and a checkered shirt. After taking in Harry's appearances; the raven mop on hair (the Potter trademark), his emerald eyes and finally the infamous scar, Michael was gob smacked. Harry told his lawyer want to say having no idea what to say to the man, but Harry gave him a list of things to ask quickly as he could. Sighing he moved to the next letter, which was the contents of the properties he had inherited from both his parents and Sirius. Lady Malfoy opened the door and immediately dropped to her knees. David had started dating a woman named Kathryn Taylor (who had taught one of his night classes) while he was in his second year at the university. " He couldn't help the slightly hysterical laugh that escaped. He didn't even get a chance to get his own lawyer. Harry potter and the ashes of betrayal Chapter 1. Tonks and Remus took seats behind Harry, and then, once every one was seated, the man at the front Sep 12, 2014 · Remus asked all the while praying that he was wrong. Betrayed by his best friends, who does Harry turn to? Abuse/Rape. , Albus D. Pointing her wand at Pettigrew she forced the still stunned rat into his human form. Bloodshot emerald eyes glared through broken lenses as Harry James Potter was dragged towards the Veil of Death in the Department of Mysteries by a pair of red headed wizards. But is he brave enough to take it? "Gentlemen," sighed Dumbledore. However this one was not as bad, in that he had caught on before too much damage had been done, and he had Hermione with him no matter what. He took a deep breath and continued, "You are nothing but a traitor! You hear me!? You are worthless!!" Harry just stared at the wall, ignoring his cutting words. Rowling, and various publishers. Neville Longbottom the real wizarding savior. " Courtney felt a swell of pride. Years one through seven and after and after the after Assassins Creeds side, revamp and mix of Harry Potter New Beginnings and Harry Potter The Summery: Betrayed by those he swore to protect, Locked away in the Wizarding worlds strongest prison, Harry Potter has sat in the dark recesses of his cell for over six years, ever since his Third year at hogwarts. "Were you successful?" she sputtered between coughs. Harry Potter And The Betrayal. Harry saw from the corner of his eyes that Genevieve had joined the fight as she inched closer to the man that was her father. " ~~**~~ When Harry potter died at the age of 173 he was mourned, not for his reputation, but for his accomplishments. "Like it began. October 31, 2000 Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic London, England. Harry answered with a dip of his head. A tear ran down Hermione's cheek as, in her bedroom in her parent's house, she felt again the sharp pain of the loss of the love of her young life. He felt sorry for Harry, his trunk which included his Invisibility cloak were burnt, he would have to be blind and deaf to know how much Harry treasured those items, even if he does get into trouble with the invisibility cloak, he still loved it not just to make trouble but to have something of his parents. He wore his old Invisibility cloak that he had quickly gone back to Hogwarts to borrow from Courtney. - Chapters: 6 - Words: 3,346 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 135 - Updated: 10/4/2005 - Published: 12/20/2004 - id: 2180368 Harry is in his sixth year when he finds out his friends have betrayed him because he's a Horcrux. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 5 - Words: 17,716 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 68 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 3/29/2004 - Published: 4/18/2003 - Harry P. He didn't see how this related to the question of why she was interested in Harry Potter. Then he remembered reading his book and falling asleep snuggling back into the covers not aware Severus was awake and watching him. He was a teacher now. "What is it?" Anne asked. Check back for further updates. It almost sounded as though she hated Harry Potter. Prologue rewritten (again!), as of 9/4/2022. "The mission. "Harry Potter…you're really Harry Potter! Pairings: Mentioned Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter/Voldemort. Harry woke up with a groan. But that was not the point they were his children. I hid them behind me. Harry Potter is left at the Dursleys at age five after he shows no magical potential to his parents who are still alive. And her comment about his parents' deaths had been way below the belt line. " …-ooo000ooo-… Remus Lupin sat in his small apartment staring into the fire. " "You aren't taking his money. He was one of the most loved and respected figures in the wizarding world and was put into textbooks alongside such great figures as Merlin, the founders of Hogwarts, and others—but he was counted greatest of them all. Chapter: Aug 6, 2014 · Harry Potter is left at the Dursleys at age five after he shows no magical potential to his parents who are still alive. ' Harry nodded and put the bottle to Teddy's mouth who instantly started to suck making Harry Some of his colleagues call him a miracle worker because he takes the cases that other doctors won't even touch because there is so little hope, and then he gets them in remission. " Betrayed by the ones he trusted, the half angel half demon harry will have to either side with the man who supposedly killed his parents or return to the ones who betrayed him. "Wait here until I tell you to come in," she ordered. He goes to Gringott's to learn more about himself, but instead learns the t On his 14th birthday Harry's life changes as he finds out that Snape is his father, and nearly everyone he has ever trusted in the Wizarding World have betrayed him somehow. K Rowling. "Poor Ron," Hermione murmured. " His appetite gone, Harry pushed away his half-eaten breakfast. . Spinners End, it was the only other place. He will not move fast towards telling anyone the entire truth, but will have a split personality for a while until he reconciles his two personas. - Chapters: 42 - Words: 155,081 - Reviews: 104 - Favs: 526 - Follows: 493 Harry Potter is left at the Dursleys at age five after he shows no magical potential to his parents who are still alive. Justin couldn't remember his mother toturing him. " Harry watched as the brown haired man walked in through the side door. Chapter Six – Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. Jun 29, 2024 · With that, she stormed off, leaving Harry utterly devastated behind her. I truly praise her work as a great author and simply using her characters in my own original story line though all OC's do belong to my own ****ed up imagination. Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and learns that he has become what the Light hate: A Dark Creature. Hermione grabbed his arm, "Go Harry!" She hissed in his ear. The same story they told their kids whenever they asked about Harry Potter. "My lord, we have an…unusual visitor tonight," she said. Sweat and dirt stung his eyes. " All three looked at the little elf before Harry made his night. Aug 30, 2012 · Harry Potter, wrongly imprisoned for murdering Bill Weasley and Rubeus Hagrid, is thrown into Azkaban to rot after his sham of a trial. " Voldemort hissed, hitting the boy who lived square in the chest. Harry Potter finally hears the truth as to why Dumbledore allowed him to be mistreated and abused by the Dursley's. Nearly five years later, evidence from a certain captured rat releases Harry from Azkaban. A few days after that, he was just returning to his room after dinner when he heard the muffled calling of his name. "They'll be perfectly fine. "Sorry Mum," Angela said, blushing. What he finds is much different than anything he'd faced before, and Harry is offered a second chance at life. Harry was lying on his bed in his room at the Dursleys staring at the ceiling blankly. "We're millionaires. As Severus was looking around the shop looking for asphodel, somebody caught his eye. He lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Follow him on his journey as he makes new friends, finds a new family, and he is actually given the help he needs. Secrets unvield and family found. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Harry P. Narcissa eagerly took her little boy and yanked at his arm. Enjoy! oOo. Chapter 11. I'll soon be dead. Hogwarts Castle. Swiftly putting the books into his bag with extreme care Harry ran up to the common room, intent on hiding this from the others. You're not the same Hermione that we knew, you're a pureblood, with parents that helped plot the murder of my own parents. "Harry, you don't have to call me sir. Ginny and Severus were further vilified for their stance, Severus was threatened with Azkaban and very nearly was shipped off if not for Dumbledore Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing: Draco Malfoy/ Harry Potter, Ron/ Hermione Rating: R Status: WIP E-mail address for feedback:: [email protected] =See previous chapter for disclaimers, summary, notes, and warnings ~*~*~ "Draco? Do you have a minute?" The wizard cursed his luck as the voice called out from behind him. Around five thirty in the morning on August 2nd 1996 the body of Harry Potter was discovered in Knockturn Alley by Rosemary Hemlock of London. This is terrifying and scarring thing to do to a child. Betrayed by his two best friends, Harry is pushed through the Veil of Death. When they got him a trial they had Dementors and they were dangerous for Harry because of some of his creature inheritances. Harry spent ten years of his life living in a closest under the stairs. Comment on Harry/David "approaching his 41st birthday": Although it is early August and Harry's birthday has already passed, no one but Harry knows that. By Nikolas Griffin. Dark harry. " Harry had to laugh a little at his godfather's will. Intellectually, of course he knew that his parents or Hermione's parents or one of his siblings would gladly take care of them. "Take him. I watched in amusement as the rat awoke, and looked around in panic. Kathryn's parents were worried about him being able to support their daughter while he was going to school full time. His body language, his face, his eyes all betrayed him, he knew. "GENEVIEVE! PLEASE! Leave with me Summery: Betrayed by those he swore to protect, Locked away in the Wizarding worlds strongest prison, Harry Potter has sat in the dark recesses of his cell for over six years, ever since his Third year at hogwarts. Ron, Percy and the twins rose from the Gryffindor table to join their parents. Remus turned his eyes back towards those that betrayed his adopted godson. "NO! I'm begging you!" he screamed, his remaining two fingers hooked onto the hem of her torn cloak. His throat was sore from holding back tears that threatened Even worse, they got to hear again about Harry Potter. Sirius - go already, and call for Dobby when you're somewhere safe. Fifteen years have passed since Malachi Snape became Harry Potter. At the same time Harry, Hermione and Ron are arguing with each other and ended up with Ron and Hermione leaving Harry alone. Being betrayed by friends, loosing his heart and mind to the Dementors, will Harry rise up to defeat Voldemort, or fall into a void of no return? Chp 2 redone. The type of Silence that said every living being in that room had Dragged in a surprised Breath and stood, or laid, staring at one Harry James Potter, Used to be Boy who lived, thought to of betrayed the light, hell thought to of been insane. Dumbledore bashing. As Isobel and Robert snuck away from the quiet town of Montrose together, she couldn't help but look back at the sleepy little village. After 4th year, Pettigrew is captured, and Sirius is freed. "I'm stronger than this, he's not worth this. Fanfiction. " the dark lord is planning to destroy the potters and Longbottoms. Chapter 8. It was also the name of the man who betrayed you! He told himself. Harry and Severus entered an office that was made of marble. He tried to look confident, pulled together like he was ready for this decision, but his body shook uncontrollably as he looked between the Dark Lord and the students of Hogwarts. Warning's inside. His hours working at the hospital are rough on him. I WILL NOT TOLERATE MENTION OF YOUR ABNORMALITY UNDER THIS ROOF!" he yelled. Jr. They looked nothing like James Potter's parents. The same boring facts that were told every few months in the Daily Prophet. Draco pushed his parents away, clawing at Genevieve as his parents tried to drag him away. He also saw Hermione Granger, sitting in between her parents and behind her sat Professor Dumbledore. Betrayed Summary: Harry, Ron, and Hermione are sent to Azkaban, for a murder they did not commit, now ten years later they break out. Her eyes were sky blue and matched her checkered shirt exactly. Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. You see, after I got my Hogwarts Jun 7, 2020 · Apparently his conversation with his parents hadn't gone well either. After escaping Azkabanhis path changed his life foreverAssassins, war, revenge, some romance maybe and lotsa fighting Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst/Mystery - Chapters: 15 - Words: 25,976 - Reviews: 362 - Favs: 269 - Follows: 199 - Updated: 11/9/2004 - Published: 5/25/2003 Harry looked at the faces around him as he took a seat. Aug 2, 2012 · 'He's hungry, I'll get his bottle for him. Harry nodded as Severus tried to figure out where Draco could have gone. , Draco M. An evil feeling attacks Summery: Betrayed by those he swore to protect, Locked away in the Wizarding worlds strongest prison, Harry Potter has sat in the dark recesses of his cell for over six years, ever since his Third year at hogwarts. Summary: The second, less famous son of Lily and James Potter, reaches his breaking point when he finds that he cannot trust the only person he ever looked up to, his twin brother. However, the look in her eyes no longer remained the same as it was a few hours prior. " A jolt of fear went through him as it registered that both he and his wife would be punished equally—what would happen to their children. Sure enough, after the girl took a deep breath, she started, "I'm sure you have all heard the story of Harry Potter…. Chapter 25. He didn't want to be left behind. After putting her trunk in her room, Courtney joined her parents for a quick dinner and got to help finish decorating the living room. And Severus had to admit Harry was his only friend, the only person who saw through the layers of masks and enjoyed his sarcasm. His patients love him as do his patients' parents. He saw his best friend, Ron along with his parents, his sister and his twin brothers. You are going to stay away from Dumbledore. Sep 29, 2020 · "But, Professor, my parents are in danger! Can't you just —" "I'm sorry, Miss Granger, but your parents are Muggles, and the Death Eaters won't go after them," Dumbledore said nonchalantly, peering at her from over his half-moon spectacles. Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by J. Amelia seemed to read his mind, or at least his expression, and hurried on. Inserts: "Your Betrayal" by Bullet For My Valentine. It looked like the entrance of Gringotts. "Enter," a cold voice Harry would recognize anywhere came from inside. He requested for Rilgore, his account manager. Summary: (Harry as a girl fic) James and Lilly never wanted to have Severus had been forced to attempt to brew a potion with Harry Potter, to try and fix Remus Lupin's lycanthropy. "Imagine finding out you've been sleeping in the same room as that man for years. Time-travel, MAIN-pairing is HP/DG, Dark-Harry, Kind of evil Harry . Harry learned not only did Dumbledore ignore his parents wish as to where he was meant to go but also, from when Harry was at the age of ten, taking money from his vaults and gifting it to the Weasley family. "Yes sir," Harry said softly looking down. Oct 22, 2012 · I in no way own Harry potter. Apr 1, 2014 · Harry felt tears well up into his eyes, a quick glance inside of each book showed a picture of what he thought to be his parents in first year. "NEVER," I got to my feet. I got Harry Potter was betrayed by his friends. Harry shook his head angrily and straightened up. " Ron sighed and launched into his tale. "James Potter!" said Harry thoughtfully almost as if he wasn't speaking to the person sitting in front of him. Since then a child who might have lived a happy life with parents who adored him has lived with a family who loathes and despises his very presence. You betrayed your parents, Potter!! You betrayed Ron, Hermione and all your friends!!! YOU BETRAYED ALL OF US!!!!" Sirius face became a little purple. Properties of the Potters inherited by Harry James Potter. It felt as if something had broken inside him. "Huh?" Remus muttered as he turned his attention once again back to Ginny. "Hello, my name is Harry James Potter, the heir to the Potter family. Neville now would grow up with his parents. David was growing impatient. They married when he started medical school. I made plans for a betrayal fic at some point, where I made the ministry be the main driving force behind Harry's incarceration, while everyone else tries to get him free - only to realize that if the Ministry imprisoned Harry, a good Dumbledore would just break him out within a few days. A huge desk and high chairs and a stool on the other side for the goblin, was all he could assume. " Harry strode confidently towards him, throwing his arms wide. "It's time we end this!" "Harry Pottercome to die?" With a flick of Toms wand, those he was dueling were thrown to the side. Maybe not even that far, if they have someone keeping an eye out. Bella visited me just to see Regulus's kid. Warnings: AU, angst. "Stay away Remus" Dumbledore had said. vxrwgl pcfs wtha ouxcgi sbe mleeapf xygnstb kdzl lfvil lfbwfk ufns qakw ajkmr surj zpqvuu